Search Results for chakras

100 Ways to Elevate Your Consciousness

Drew 4 Mind 4 Life 1. Connect with nature – Go for a walk in the forest, jungle, field of daisies, or wherever you feel like getting a connection with nature. It is possible to feel at deep sense of peace and oneness when you attempt to connect with nature. As you learn to connect

Scientific Proof that Our DNA is Mutating

Gregg Prescott, In5D Guest Waking Times Imagine being able to activate your dormant, “junk” DNA?  In recent news, scientists and geneticists have discovered three and four strand DNA in human cells while some geneticists believe we may soon evolve to a 12 strand DNA. To those who may dismiss this theory, and article entitled, “Spontaneous

Our Progenitors, The ‘Pitaram’ Orbit the Moon

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times In Sanskrit the Pitaram, our ancient progenitors — those ‘forefather’ colonizing beings, who came to this planet and took part in the creation and hybridization of the human races — are described by the Seer Rishi Dîrgatamas, who composed the following verse in the ancient Sanskrit text, the Rig

Protecting Your Energy

Brad Dixon, Guest Waking Times  Copyright, 2013, Brad Dixon (excerpted from his forthcoming book) Protecting your energy is vitally important. This applies to your daily living and not just when practicing energetic healing arts like Reiki. Fundamentally, I believe that we are all connected (part of the same universal energy). However, until we achieve a total

Trouble With the Pineal Gland?

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times There is much hype about activating the pineal gland. I touched briefly upon it in another post since it can be very problematic. I’m well aware that I’m going upstream on the hype. My aim is not to take it down but maybe to put it into context. The problem about those very

6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times Absolutely everything is a wave of energy and there are many new energies taking place on Earth. We’ve shifted consciousness, but we’re still using old reflections to create our reality. Abundance in all aspects of life is now much easier to achieve in the new vibration and a confidence

Which Of The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening Did You Experience?

Kim Hutchinson, In5D Guest Waking Times Awakening to your full potential Spiritual seekers who are on the path to re-enlightenment tend to fall into one of the following seven categories. A person can go through these levels in almost any order. That’s because we all awaken in our own way, at our own pace. For

10 Questions About the Pineal Gland That Add to its Mystery

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times The  pine cone shaped, pea-sized pineal gland, located in the center of the human brain, is an organ of tremendous interest these days. To many spiritual seekers it is the ‘seat of the soul‘ and the ‘third eye,’ the anatomical part of the human body that acts as our

Able Reset and the Download

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that allows for spiritual growth and transformation. In contemporary terms, we’re able to “download” or “upload” depending on whether we choose to hear a ripple or create one in the vast stillness of the

10 Questions About the Pineal Gland That Add to the Mystery of Spirituality

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times The  pine cone shaped, pea-sized pineal gland, located in the center of the human brain, is an organ of tremendous interest these days. To many spiritual seekers it is the ‘seat of the soul‘ and the ‘third eye,’ the anatomical part of the human body that acts as our

Your Aura And How It Affects Others

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times Have you ever noticed people who simply make you feel good by just looking at them? Have you ever observed someone for the first time and knew that there was something off with this person, even though that particular person never said a word to you? As more experiments are

The Return of the Elder Race & Opening the Gateway of the Fifth Kingdom

Victoria LePage, New Dawn Waking Times René Guénon’s assertion, culled from ancient esoteric sources, that in the remote past humanity’s first civilisation arose in the ice-free Arctic zone is not without geological support. According to the well-known researcher J.S. Gordon, “there is no scientific doubt that the polar ice caps have melted and reformed many,

Pineal Gland and Activating Your Third Eye

RiseEarth Waking Times Is it possible that you literally have a third eye that connects you to spiritual dimensions? The pineal gland is something that is spoken of in the New Age community as being the intuition organ and the connection point between body and spirit, but very few people realize that the pineal gland is

Human Consciousness & the Anunnaki

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times The idea that we are alone in the universe is totally absurd when we consider that there are now 176 billion observable galaxies. There are trillions of stars, each of which in all probability may have at lease one inhabitable planet awaiting life forms. There is no reason to

Gemstones & Menhirs for Adjusting the Auric Field

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Humankind once was tuned to their own vibrations to such an extent that they needed little help adjusting when things were a little ‘off.’ Our cure came from within. We would sit in silence and know that something was bubbling up that we needed to clear, or that somehow our

Gnostic Palms and the Eye of the Handshake

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that you hold literally in the palm of your hand. It boasts neither a whimsical shape, nor beckons attention as an oddity of design. Even to the most discerning eye it’s without specific form

Removing the Veil

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times “You yourself are under your own veil.” -Hafiz Q:  I have been traveling the road to higher consciousness for many years and it has been a long hard journey. Fortunately there have been occasional Divine Breezes along the way, but I cannot say I feel any closer to God for

The Sound of the Void

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times How good it is when you begin to heal and you’re suddenly aware of the change – it’s the wonderful ‘wow I feel better’ moment. Whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual, back into balance is mighty nice. Now, I’m guessing that there are readers who are consistently in balance and

Prescription for a New Day

Alex Vandenberg, Contributor Waking Times When scouring around in cyberspace I think we can all agree that there is no shortage of comments and discussion relative to who, what, when, where, how, and why. And this is all for the better. One must unlearn what one has learned to learn. However, I believe solutions, the

The Fool Card

Jennifer Reynolds, Contributor Waking Times The number is zero, a symbol for infinity, without beginning or end (alpha and omega). Significantly here, its symbol represents the concept of things being cyclic. Although normally interpreted as void and nothingness, a circle is pregnant with potential. At some point the 22 major cards of tarot came to

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