Search Results for chakras

If Consciousness is a Door, Kundalini Yoga is the Key

Valerie Burke – Imagine you could harness, at will, the mind-body connection responsible for the heightened mental states giving rise to creative genius, inspiration, bliss, mystical experiences, and possibly even enlightenment?

Tuning into the Mental Universe

Trevor Harden – There are many unseen realities surrounding us at all times that we ordinaly cannot perceive.

The Religion With No Name

Brian C. Muraresku – Before the rise of Churchianity, in the long-forgotten cradle of Western Civilization, our ancestors were also drawn to a spiritually independent lifestyle – free from any doctrine or dogma.

Hope Shining Through the Cloud

Soren Dreier – Since nobody seems comfortable, with just letting the time pass without filling it up with ‘stuff,’ we go a bit astray maybe.

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