Search Results for cannabis

The Other IRS Scandal: Outright War Against Marijuana Dispensaries

Clarence Walker, AlterNet Waking Times “Should the IRS campaign be successful, it will … eliminate tens of thousands of well paying jobs, [and] destroy hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenue.” Dispensaries providing marijuana to doctor-approved patients operate in a number of states, but they are under assault by the federal government. SWAT-style raids

Tommy Chong Beats Prostate Cancer with Hemp Oil and Proper Diet

Waking Times Last June, the famous comedian, actor and pro-marijuana legalization advocate, Tommy Chong, reported to the world that he had been diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer and that he was seeking unconventional treatment using Cannabis Oil. Almost one year later, Tommy is feeling better than ever and is cancer free. Tommy’s recent announcement,

marijuana smoke

Why Research is Right About Smoking vs. Eating Medicinal Marijuana

Kent Mao, Contributor Waking Times So you might have heard about a healthier or better alternative of smoking marijuana these days, well I think this would be good news for you. Late last month, a new study on medical marijuana peaked my interest after making headlines around the world. . Covered by major media outlets

Hemp Could Free Us From Oil, Prevent Deforestation, Cure Cancer and It’s Environmentally Friendly – So Why Is It Illegal?

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Hemp is a tall, beautiful and gracious looking annual plant that can reach heights over twelve feet. Although hemp (cannabis sativa) and marijuana (cannabis sativa var. indica) come from a similar species of plant, they are very different and confusion has been caused by deliberate misinformation with far reaching

Avoid 100 Dangerous Food Additives Causing ADHD, Asthma and Cancer

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Food industry additives and colors are one major cause of ADHD, asthma and cancer creating a toxic environment for our children’s health. Even medicines for babies and young children frequently contain these additives banned from foods and drinks and targeted at children under three years of age. Artificial flavors and

Marijuana Verses Leading Pharmaceuticals In The Treatment of Colon Cancer

Kent Mao, Contributor Waking Times Medical marijuana has been touted as an effective cancer treatment for decades by its various supporters, but despite the growing number of states that have legalized cannabis for medical purposes, marijuana remains a sparsely recommended drug for patients with life-threatening illnesses. On the other hand, large pharmaceutical manufacturers continue to

Still Believe Nature Got It Wrong? Top 10 Health Benefits of Marijuana

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times There is no plant on Earth more condemned than marijuana. We’re talking about a living organism which governments have taken upon themselves to designate as an illegal substance. Despite no existing evidence of anyone ever dying of a marijuana overdose, possession of this plant is still illegal in many

Free Will vs. Cultural Programming: The Matrix Loses

Daikan Basho, Contributing Writer Waking Times Human beings are curious creatures in that they have a most unusual capacity for free will, yet, are so easily manipulated, controlled, and subjugated by other people. Quite a paradox. The deciding factor between which of these two inherent states one occupies, mental freedom or mental slavery, often has to

High on Health: Cannabinoids in the Food Supply

Alan Badiner, Reality Sandwich Waking Times Endocannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds found within the human body. They’ve been there for 600,000 years or more, but we’ve only just noticed it! One of the remarkable things about endocannabinoids is their striking similarity to the active ingredients of cannabis called phyto-cannabinoids. In fact, it was the effort

Who Is Trying To Patent Marijuana?

Kent Mao, Contributor Waking Times  The secret is out: marijuana is medicine. And not to the surprise of the pharmaceutical industry, who is slowly but surely gaining exclusive rights to the medical properties of this age-old plant. But wait. How can a company, other than Monsanto, patent a plant? That’s not a serious question, but

Vermont House Approves Marijuana Decriminalization

Waking Times The Vermont House of Representatives approved a bill 98-44 Friday that would decriminalize possession of limited amounts of marijuana. The bill is scheduled for another House vote next week before moving forward to the Senate. Vermont Attorney General William Sorrell and Public Safety Commissioner Keith Flynn testified in favor of the bill, and

Is Hemp a Miracle Plant That Can Save the World?

Jeffrey Green, Guest Writer Waking Times Hemp is perhaps the answer to most problems in the world. Ambitious, yes.  An exaggeration, no. If grown extensively, its diverse uses can be of significant value to the environment, the economy, world hunger, personal health, and so much more. For the environment, hemp can reduce deforestation, pesticide use,

Why Choosing Nature Will Only Advance Human Societies

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times  We all have our opinions, principles and philosophies about life and we must be very careful about infringing on those of others. Every person should be able to follow that inner voice without external influences constantly telling them they’re wrong. However there is one choice we could all make

Are Hemp Seeds Part of a Healthy Diet?

Kent Mao, Contributor Waking Times Hemp and marijuana seem to be popular topics in today’s society since legalization measures were passed in Colorado and Washington last November. While it’s common to hear advocates proclaim the medical benefits of marijuana, studies have shown that hemp seeds can also provide a number of health advantages as well,

The End Of The Anti-Marijuana Generation

Kent Mao, Contributing Writer Waking Times Many Americans are beginning to see the benefits of policy reform It’s no secret that public opinion on marijuana has shifted dramatically in recent years. Is this the beginning of the end for the anti-marijuana generation? Some would say so. Advocacy of marijuana legalization is fast becoming a popular

New Study: Vaporized Marijuana is a Safe and Effective Pain Treatment

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times When we talk about the medicinal benefits of marijuana, those who disapprove of its use tend to roll their eyes. But the fact is, this powerful plant has numerous potential applications in healthcare and pain management in particular. A new study has once again demonstrated that the vilified plant can safely

Hemp ~ “Weeding” Out The Myths

Becca Wolford, Contributing Writer Waking Times The topic of hemp is often a confusing one, and I am frequently asked questions regarding industrial hemp, so here are a few ‘myth-breakers’ I’ve compiled that answer some of those queries. 1. Industrial hemp is marijuana.~ False. Industrial hemp is not marijuana, it is a different plant. Both

Hemp – Its Uses and Cures

Yolanda Bertaud, MSOM, HHP, CH., Guest Writer Waking Times  Let’s start out with it’s un-refutable qualities, how resourceful and versatile this God given plant and why are we so deprived of it… As for health, this is literally a well kept source of information that has been proven to do miraculous results. A recommended good read is “Hemp for Health: The

Can Diet Improve Psychic Ability and Pineal Gland Function?

Mary E. Riposo, PhD, Guest Writer Waking Times We all know that eating right is a good way to maintain your health. Do you remember your mother telling you to “eat your vegetables” when you were a child? We all know that a diet high in raw foods and vegetables is good for our physical

Just Say No to GMO Hemp!

Barbara H. Peterson, Farms Wars Waking Times  Let’s get this straight. There is cannabis, and there is CANNABIS. One has relatively no THC levels, and the other does. It’s like two dogs – one a Chihuahua, the other a Great Dane. Same species, different breeds. The one with higher levels of THC is normally referred

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