Psychoactive Plants in the Bible
Kevin Loftis – Jesus used a number of psychoactive plants to heal and convert his followers.
Kevin Loftis – Jesus used a number of psychoactive plants to heal and convert his followers.
Meme – Here’s a safe, all-natural juice that can help prevent eye disease and keep your eyesight sharp.
Video – Will the marijuana market face challenges similar to the current food industry? Will cannabis farmers even be allowed to grow marijuana that is not genetically modified?
Brian C. Muraresku – Before the rise of Churchianity, in the long-forgotten cradle of Western Civilization, our ancestors were also drawn to a spiritually independent lifestyle – free from any doctrine or dogma.
Christina Sarich – Having a government agency decide whether or not you should vaccinate your child is highly questionable at best.
Jay Dyer – The solution lies in the alteration of man’s heart, intimately bound up with his nous, which involves a change of perspective and life where God is no longer suppressed and forgotten, metanoia.
Organic Olivia – Signs of magnesium deficiency are everywhere in the United States, if you know what to look for.
Dave Mihalovic – The use of plants as treatments dates to at least 3000 b.c. although some theories propose humans have been using plants has medicine for as long as we’ve existed.
Sarah Landrum, Contributor Waking Times You’ve probably been told that antidepressants correct the chemical imbalance in your brain. As it turns out, that’s not quite true. In fact, antidepressants might be doing you more harm than good. Even if antidepressants do work, the fact remains that they’re insanely expensive. Considering how depression treatments can last …
Video – This ironically funny video from BuzzFeed shows what could possibly happen if we treated marijuana the way we do alcohol and vice versa.
April M. Short – Donald “Donnie” Bumanglag spoke with Reset just months after sipping the psychedelic, sacred, traditional healing brew ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon.
Marco Torres – Hemp is often mistaken for its cannabis cousin, marijuana, even though smoking an entire garbage bag of hemp would not produce an altered state of consciousness.
Dave Mihalovic – Why shouldn’t Doctors lie when the entire cancer industry is one gigantic fabrication from start to finish?
Nick Alexandrov – As criticism of the world’s war on drugs grew louder, legalization and prevention made some strides—even as violence, poverty and other social ills afflicted countries from Mexico to Greece to Ukraine to China.
Video – This video, taken from Discovery Channel’s Weed Wars, shows the effect that CBDs have shown to have on epilepsy.
Wes Annac – What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says the word ‘hemp’?
Alex Pietrowski – This cancer nurse had seen enough people lose their fight with cancer after suffering terribly from the effects of conventional treatments…
Owen Poindexter – Here are five of the most popular arguments against cannabis legalization that are easily undermined by objective data.
Video – Watch as the THC ingredient in marijuana kills cancer cells.
Maia Szalavitz – “The magnitude of the change is hard to understand without knowing a bit of recent history—and if we are going to continue to move toward rational drug policy…”