7 Massive Misconceptions Many Never Question
Makia Freeman – It takes a determined spirit to weed out all the brainwashing and programming we have taken on.
Makia Freeman – It takes a determined spirit to weed out all the brainwashing and programming we have taken on.
Alex Pietrowski – By changing her entire view on life, she was able to beat cancer.
Christina Sarich – Australia is now a medical marijuana nation. Will the US be next?
Johann Hari – Across the world, more and more people are asking: Why is marijuana banned?
Paul Armentano – The mainstream media loves to demonize cannabis, but does it really fry your brain?
Ethan Indigo Smith – The war world we are seeing today is the result of text book oligarchical collectivism.
Phillip J. Watt – The war-on-drugs has been one of the biggest policy failures of modern society.
Michael Forrester – Psychoactive plants and hallucinogens have given us the opportunity to see life through different perspectives for thousands of years.
Dylan Charles – The nation’s newest Drug Czar just admitted to CBS that the war on drugs is a failure.
Alex Pietrowski – More evidence that consuming milk and dairy contributes to chronic illness.
Wes Annac – The Rastafari movement is partially responsible for the widespread awakening taking place.
Phillip Schneider – “Overall, it is difficult to see how prohibition of psychedelics can be justified as a public health measure.”
William T. Hathaway – Our biological nature doesn’t force us to war, it just gives us the potential for it.
Joshua Krause – The State vastly underestimated the value of legal cannabis.
Dave Mihalovic – More doctors and oncologists are being exposed for diagnosing healthy patients with cancer.
Video – A team of scientists in Spain plan to show cannabinoids to be effective for the treatment of certain types of cancer. Their clinical trials are scheduled to start in September 2015.
Meme – This emotional pain chart pinpoints the various common pain areas and offers insight into probably causes.
Bauer Marshall – Indiana’s controversial law, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, has indirectly paved the way for the First Church of Cannabis.
Video – Here are the states that are expected to make marijuana legal for adults by 2019.
Marco Torres – Hundreds of millions of people indulge in one of the most dangerous drugs which is sold right over the counter.