Search Results for cannabis research

Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis (Video)

Extensive interviews with patients, doctors, researchers and skeptics detail the promises and the limitations of medicinal cannabis. Even though the video has an American perspective, marijuana use is illegal throughout many countries of the world for reasons that are not clear.

5 Myths About Marijuana Debunked

Owen Poindexter – Here are five of the most popular arguments against cannabis legalization that are easily undermined by objective data.

Marijuana Verses Leading Pharmaceuticals In The Treatment of Colon Cancer

Kent Mao, Contributor Waking Times Medical marijuana has been touted as an effective cancer treatment for decades by its various supporters, but despite the growing number of states that have legalized cannabis for medical purposes, marijuana remains a sparsely recommended drug for patients with life-threatening illnesses. On the other hand, large pharmaceutical manufacturers continue to

Calm Anxiety Naturally: 7 Top Substances

GMI Research Group – In the face of the mounting costs of anxiety in the U.S. and globally, here are seven substances that act as natural anti-anxiety agents.

The Incredible Endocanabannoid System

Zahrah Sita – There is a lot of buzz around the topic of cannabis and the various medicines and products made from the cannabis plant.

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