The Paradoxical Power of the Four Thunderbirds
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – The four thunderbirds symbolize the four cardinal directions of the medicine wheel.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – The four thunderbirds symbolize the four cardinal directions of the medicine wheel.
CJ Hopkins – People can tell themselves that they didn’t see where things have been heading for the last 17 months, but they did.
Riley Waggaman – Americans live in the best of all possible masked worlds, and they have Anthony Fauci and the CDC to thank for it.
Julian Rose – This new resistance is arising as a kick-back against unremitting pressure to conform to a state of engineered chaos and control.
John Tierney – Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus…
Ryan Matters – Discernment is our secret weapon. We’re fighting an information war. Arm yourself with knowledge and be free.
Dr. Mercola – To censor a scientific discussion with the actual inventor of the technology used to manufacture these COVID-19 shots is beyond shocking.
Dylan Charles – Fear strips us of our inner authority, while love empowers us to make courageous choices in favor of sovereignty and health.
Julian Rose – This sickness called ‘Covid’ is a cellular expression of a lack of resistance to lies and a lack of appetite for truth.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Without those who are willing to disobey, we are lost.
Dr. Mercola – In 1962, in a now infamous experiment shown in the video above, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram tested the limits of human obedience to authority.
Dr. Mercola – Being required to present your “papers” in order to live your life isn’t actually freedom at all – it’s discrimination.
Julian Rose – The art of living involves the assertion of freedom, creativity and empathy with and for fellow humans and all living beings.
Julian Rose – Wearing ‘the mask’ is for those who suffer feelings of fear and/or guilt. Think about it.
Lawrence W. Reed – “Civil disobedience” evokes a range of reactions when people hear the term. Some instinctively wince, regarding it as anti-social or subversive.
Julian Rose – The human being must now stand-up straight, mask-free and proud.
Dylan Charles – Hear astonishing and amazing tales about drinking the world’s most psychedelic substance
Matt Agorist – In the United States, cannabis is legal for recreational use in 11 states while 33 other states allow some form of medical use.
Dr. Mercola – According to the World Economic Forum, by 2030 we will own nothing and be happy about it.
Matt Agorist – Everyone reading this knows that there are few things on the internet more revealing than their internet search data.