‘They’ Can’t Read Your Thoughts… Right?
Makia Freeman – Mind control technology is far advanced beyond what we know.
Makia Freeman – Mind control technology is far advanced beyond what we know.
John W. Whitehead – The surveillance state is alive and well and kicking privacy to shreds in America.
Isaac Davis – These major credit reporting agencies were fined for lying to you.
Isaac Davis – This is how corporate censorship works.
Jon Rappoport – The war against cancer has painted a picture of hope: genetic solutions.
Mees Baaijen – We’ve all been spoon fed the idea that we are free citizens of sovereign countries.
Nathaniel Mauka – The movie Minority Report hinted at this type of technology. Now it’s here.
Jon Rappoport – Brain=computer=consciousness is the greatest covert op on the planet.
Ryan Cristian – The list of admissions by the U.S. government is available to all who are willing to look.
Jon Rappoport – We’ve been carefully instructed that the individual is the greatest living threat to the planet.
Lucas Dare – The development of the space fence is but one part of the frequency prison.
Makia Freeman – These mergers are a further steps in an unnatural, life-denying direction.
Sigmund Fraud – Work, consume, obey… and have fun! That’s our life’s mission, so we’re told.
Phillip Schneider – Merging with machines does not make us Super Human, it makes us slaves.
Alex Pietrowski – Research into the effects of government spying proves how dangerous it is to the individual.
Makia Freeman – If you want your child to have your values, don’t throw him or her away to the State.
Christina Sarich – The first ever brain scans of people under the influence of LSD reveal a more unified, more complete brain.
Vic Bishop – Another sad example of how disconnected we’ve become from nature.
Chris Veritas – Is the press really free and independent? Of course not.
Zen Gardner – We still have many freedoms, and we need to “make hay while the sun shines”.