How Plutocratic Media Keeps their Staff Aligned with Establishment Agendas
Caitlin Johnstone – Why do mainstream media reporters act just like state media propagandists?
Caitlin Johnstone – Why do mainstream media reporters act just like state media propagandists?
Irwin Ozborne – Thanksgiving: Celebrating all that we have, and the genocide it took to get it.
Christina Sarich – Start by looking away from the mainstream.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – We are a force of interdependent nature first and independent humans second.
Zen Gardner – Separation, the literal idea that we or anything is literally separate at its ultimate energetic level, is the illusion.
Charles Eisenstein – The world is alive. It is not just the host of life.
Julian Rose – The spiritual activist is our natural state of pre mind controlled being.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – The system cannot be fixed by the system.
Jon Rappoport – Why live backwards?
Dr. Mercola – Safety is a hindrance to profits.
Makia Freeman – Cancer – it’s not what you think it is.
Dr. K.R. Bolton – Many ancient cultures understood the cycles of time.
Linda George – We need to journey on a daily basis, inward.
Makia Freeman – Total Individual Control Technology is the ultimate mind control weapon since it can target your individual DNA.
Ryan Cristian – This awakening has been a long time coming.
Félix de Rosen – Understanding the value of being present in life is the key message of plants.
Makia Freeman – William Tompkins is one of the most incredible whistleblowers to step forward.
Jack Burns – More evidence of the dangers of vaccination.
Makia Freeman – The No DAPL conflict is nowhere near completion.