Monsanto Has Known Since 1981 That Glyphosate Promotes Cancer
Dr. Mercola – A researcher discovered a cover up about Monsanto and toxic Roundup.
Dr. Mercola – A researcher discovered a cover up about Monsanto and toxic Roundup.
Soren Dreier – We create creation. And hereby we create both illusion and reality.
Sigmund Fraud – These four inspiring young people are setting the example with their courage and integrity.
Jonathon Miller-Weisberger – Will you seek the wisdom of the sacred plants in exchange for integral salvation?
Bonnie Camo – The medical industry is afraid of the competition that homeopathic remedies represent. Anyone who has ever tried them will know the truth.
Alisa Opar – New research into plant senses reveals how plants can hear, touch, feel, and identify attackers.
Margie King – Bees make more than honey. They also make gunk called propolis. And this “bee glue” is a powerful health balm.
Brendan D. Murphy – Torsion fields are generated by spin and/or by angular momentum; any object or particle that spins produces torsion waves and possesses its own unique torsion field.
Video – It’s the beekeepers dream, turn a tap right on your beehive and watch pure fresh honey flow right out of your FLOWhive and into your jar! Honey on top means no mess, no fuss, and the bees are hardly disturbed.
Jane Chitty – It may not be a completely new concept — instilling fear into people — but it has certainly become much worse.
Kelley Bergman – The most proliferating geoengineering techniques are focused on ways of reducing the sun’s rays by blocking them spraying chemical compounds into the atmosphere…
Jefferey Jaxen – The intricate matrix of mushroom mycelium under our feet represents rebirth, rejuvenation, and regeneration.
Bernie Suarez – Chemtrail spraying is this big a deal and as another year goes by the globalists and their military industrial complex marches forward with their insanity to control the weather…
Julian Rose – A determined effort by all of us, who care about real food and real farming, will be needed to stop one of the most insidious attempts yet to end Europe’s widespread resistance to genetically modified organisms…
Chantelle Zakariasen – We should note that countries with an abundant consumption of coconut are amongst some of the healthiest people on the planet today…
Mike Sygula – “There are two vital tools needed to improve our life on this planet and start living more sustainably: education and compassion.”
Anna Hunt – One of the most natural foods in the world, honey has many uses and benefits our bodies in many different ways.
Dr. Mercola – Honey, especially locally sourced natural honey, is one of the most beneficial products for health and healing…
Tom Bunzel – “We have identified specific areas of our DNA code that will express growth of higher brain functions…”
Heather Callaghan – These chemicals that farmers use, look what they do to an insect. What is it doing to the farmer?