Search Results for bees

Why We Must Fight To Label GMOs

Peggy Gannon, Green Med Info Waking Times Since 1994 there’s been an unnatural new player on our grocery store shelves. GMO is short for “genetically modified organism.” It describes foods grown from seeds that have been altered through biotechnology to express certain desirable traits, such as pest resistance. Increasing concerns over genetically modified crops have prompted legislation

Planet Organic: Achieving Sustainable Food Security and Environmental Gains

Thomas Handley, Mongabay Waking Times The global farmland area certified organic has expanded more than threefold to 37 million hectares since 1999, according to new research conducted by the Worldwatch Institute. The Institute argues that organic farming has the potential to contribute to sustainable food security by improving nutrition intake and sustaining rural livelihoods, while

51 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening – How Many Do You Have?

Annarita, Guest Waking Times  1. Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day. There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back

Who Will Save The Honey Bee? EU Mulls Pesticide Ban While US Set to Approve More

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times There are a number of grave ecological crises nagging at the status quo of modern life. Though the mainstream media prefers not to cover the enduring impact of events like Fukushima, the Deepwater Horizon or Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder, the truth remains that these issues are vastly more important

Front Yard Food Gardens – Defying Conformity and Challenging Authority

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times With urban farming becoming more popular and more common, people are starting to consider their front and back yards as a potential space for growing healthy, organic produce. Yet, front yards may actually be off limits if you’re thinking of starting a food garden. Various city ordinances and, in some

A Cure For Every Type of Bacteria And It’s Raw, Natural and Never Spoils

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Many state it’s not what honey is good for, but what isn’t it good for. Honey has been used medically for hundreds of years, but for no reasons other than profit, mainstream medicine has sought to develop man-made antibiotics which have only led to antibiotic resistance and other diseases.

9 Concepts Kids Should Learn About Health That They’ll Never Learn In School

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times When it comes to health, children today are guided by an illusion of reality. Teachers in the educational system have only the best of intentions, but unfortunately even they are led by a curriculum so distorted from our natural world, that it is nearly impossible for children to learn

Industrial Agriculture

Pesticide Action Network Waking Times Humans have been farming for 10,000 years. Sixty years ago, after World War II, we started industrializing U.S. farming operations through a mix of policy decisions and accidents of history. This method of farming is neither inevitable nor efficient. More to the point, it can’t be sustained. Industrial agriculture treats

The Sun – An Essential Element of Good Health

David Huting, Guest Writer Waking Times  “Along with food, air, and water, sunlight is the most important survival factor in human life.” -The National Institute of Mental Health In the past 100 years, the majority of people around the world have transitioned from working outside all day to being stuck inside, with artificial lighting. 100

How To Prevent Enzyme Deficiency – The Cause Of All Humanity’s Diseases

Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer Waking Times “The length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential of an organism. The increased use of food enzymes promotes a decreased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential.” –The Enzyme Nutrition Axiom formulated by Dr. Edward Howell Vitamins, minerals and all kinds of

Common Modern Foods Which Cause DNA Damage

Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer Waking Times How important is it what you put in your mouth, after all? How much man made, toxic lab food can one ingest before negative symptoms show up? How much more sickness does this society have to endure before we finally stay united and demand more from our food system, through

Monarch Butterflies in Decline Due to Proliferation of GM Crops

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times The monarch butterfly is yet another animal species that appears to be in rapid decline due to the rise in herbicide-resistant genetically modified (GM) crops. These butterflies lay eggs on milkweed plants, and once the eggs hatch, monarch caterpillars feed exclusively on the weed. Yet, the overuse of Monsanto’s

Sugar and Saccharin More Addictive Than Intravenous Cocaine?

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Sugar and artificial sweeteners are so accessible, affordable and socially sanctioned, that few consider their habitual consumption to be a problem on the scale of say, addiction to cocaine.  But if recent research is correct their addictive potential could be even worse. Almost 40 years ago, William Duffy

A World In Denial: Underestimating Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

Richard Wilcox, Guest Writer Waking Times  cognitive dissonance – noun – Mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information…. when confronted with challenging new information, most people seek to preserve their current understanding of the world by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding the new information or by convincing themselves that no

Where is All the Food?

Wayne Weiseman, Guest Writer Waking Times When a product enters the marketplace it is doomed to be bandied about, prodded, poked and eventually, if it is a “valuable” commodity, confiscated, manipulated, packaged, politicized, corporatized, chained to will-o’-the-wisp market forces and forever relegated to the dungeon of the landfill, what’s left of it. The pharaohs of

Reconstructing Our Global Reality

Chris Renzo, Contributing Writer Waking Times Our nation, the United States, is the richest and most powerful nation in the world. The rich live a decadent lifestyle, and there exists a large middle class, but tens of millions live in poverty. 50% million people [1/6 of our population] cannot afford basic health services. 15% of our people live

Study Links Pesticides to Bumblebee Destruction… Again

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times In today’s news from the desk of Captain Obvious—scientists have found that pesticides may be contributing to the decline in bumblebees. Yes, apparently we needed another study for this. That study, led by biologists with the University of London, looked at what happened to bees in areas where different

The Secret History of the War on Cancer

Dr. Ben Kim, Guest Writer Waking Times For many years, I have explained to questioning family members and friends why I cannot support conventional cancer-fighting fundraising campaigns. I am not completely against conventional medical treatment options for different types of cancer. For example, for a good number of people that I have worked with over

Discoveries In Nano-Technology Give Biocompatible Dental Fillings Greater Longevity

Dr Lester Sawicki, Guest Writer Waking Times Today’s science of nano-technology has advanced dental fillings far beyond bees wax used in Europe over 6000 years ago. Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry are currently developing and testing a nano-technology tooth colored resin composite cavity-filling that kills harmful bacteria and regenerates tooth structure destroyed

Is ‘The New Normal’ Total Control?

Anne Gordan, RN Waking Times It appears that food, air, water, power, pets, and your physiology, etc., are targets for control. Think about it. We have already unknowingly eaten GM food, been victims of toxic environmental disasters, un-leashed depleted uranium upon the earth, yet we sit on the sidelines watching total control unfold. Today we have diseases that did not exist in

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