3 Ways Human Psychology is Being Exploited to Create an Obedient, Self-Policing Society
Dylan Charles – When these dynamics are in play at the mass level we become obedient and self-policing.
Dylan Charles – When these dynamics are in play at the mass level we become obedient and self-policing.
Dylan Charles – Hear astonishing and amazing tales about drinking the world’s most psychedelic substance
Dylan Charles – The spirits have always been here. You might call them Guardians, Angels, or Guides, but they have always been here for you. You are not alone.
Dylan Charles – What if people had a real plan for spiritual cultivation rather than a belief system?
Dylan Charles – The venerable sage Lao Tzu looked at human nature to foresee our current predicament.
Dylan Charles – It’s not weed or psychedelics, but TV that’s causing harm.
Dylan Charles – Could you be talked into murder?
Dylan Charles – George Orwell warned us of the corrosive effects of self-censorship on freedom and individual liberty.
Dylan Charles – Negative emotions are food for inimical spirits.
Alex Pietrowski – If you’re passionate enough to care about politics, you should be gardening already.
Zen Gardner – Is reality an illusion, and if so what now?
Dylan Charles – The social pressure to vote has never been greater, but who wins every time?
Zen Gardner – By apparent design, everything is crumbling into dystopian madness in the social matrix.
Amber Antonelli – It’s important to tap into your own intuition and allow it to guide you.
Kingsley L. Dennis – The collective ‘cultural mind’ is continually being shaped by dominant social-cultural narratives that normalize our mental and emotional behavioral patterns.
Julian Rose – There are so many awakening to the realisation of their imprisonment. What will be our collective choice?
Danielle Graham – Sheldrake proposes that ‘memory’ is inherent in cells, and that life exhibits “evolutionary habits,” a quality that Darwin also noted.
Gavin Nascimento – The single greatest threat to this manipulative system is any messenger of higher Knowledge and Truth that can potentially awaken those who are still “asleep.”
Dylan talks with filmmaker Sharron Rose about life in lockdown and the healing power of Qi Gong.
Dylan Charles – Today’s ‘cancel culture’ is nothing new. China had SJW’s, but they were called Red Guards.