It’s No Time to Be Normal
Paul Levy – In the challenging times that we are living through, it is crucially important for us to not “fit in.’
Paul Levy – In the challenging times that we are living through, it is crucially important for us to not “fit in.’
Dylan Charles – When you’re distracted from creating and living a meaningful and positive life, the matrix wins.
Steve Taylor, Ph.D. – Human nature can be seen as a continuum of connection.
Brendan D. Murphy – Denial is a nice place to visit but do you want to live there?
Dylan Charles – How did Bruce Lee arrive at this understanding of life?
Sergey Baranov – Tectonic shifts happen by themselves, shifts in consciousness do not.
Dylan Charles – Fear strips us of our inner authority, while love empowers us to make courageous choices in favor of sovereignty and health.
Jesse Smith – The push to get everyone to take a COVID-19 injection may be the greatest social engineering project the world has ever witnessed.
Julian Rose – There is a deeper undercurrent of purpose about the awakening taking place at this time.
Paul Levy – The great doctor of the soul C. G. Jung referred to Wetiko as “the totalitarian psychosis.”
Bibhu Dev Misra – We need to be aware of these greater cycles of time that govern human civilisation, and the changes that are looming in the horizon.
Sergey Baranov – Taking your mind back from the global chaos is the single, most important thing you can do for yourself and your family.
Tom Mullen – COVID-19 is new. But the reaction to the crisis is starting to look familiar.
Dylan Charles – This is about the struggle to maintain personal sovereignty of mind and spirit.
Dylan Charles – There’s an ancient Chinese curse, that’s been a favorite in the West for some time now. “May you live in interesting times.”
Dylan Charles – Nearly 100 years ago, Steiner foresaw a future when vaccines could be used to control people by disconnecting them.
Jonathon Miller Weisberger -At the core of ancient ways we learn that to take from nature is a privilege, not an entitlement.
Julian Rose – The human being must now stand-up straight, mask-free and proud.
Dylan Charles – What is the difference between religion and true spirituality?
Elias Marat – The NOAA has issued a Geomagnetic Storm Watch through Friday, Dec. 11.