Jung’s Four Stages of Character Transformation
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – We enter into self-transformation to prevent getting stuck in self-preservation.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – We enter into self-transformation to prevent getting stuck in self-preservation.
Kingsley L. Dennis – The power that others have over us depends on how far we stray from our own inner dependency.
Rev. Gary W. Duncan – Intermittently, I had been working with these specific ritual practices throughout the years eager to find some resolution, but none emerged.
Paul Levy – The therapist is performing a modern-day re-enactment of the shamanic practice of soul retrieval.
Paul Levy – Synchronicity is considered to be one of the most important ideas emerging out of the twentieth century.
Tyler Durden – People of the world are awakening to government tyranny plundering their life and liberties.
Cynthia Chung – Huxley makes it crystal clear that he considers the world to be overpopulated, and that science and progress cannot be free to advance without limits.
Linda George – There is a very dark force in our midst – and it is showing its hand.
Paul Levy – Wetiko cannot stand it when we identify with our true nature as creative beings, for then it has nothing to sink its roots—and fangs—into.
Dylan Charles – What keeps me inspired is telling my story and using myself as an example for how this system encourages us to destroy ourselves.
Julian Rose – It’s a battle royal, make no mistake. The road to peace is not secured via passivity and wishful thinking. Not at all. Not even prayer.
Sergey Baranov – The domino effect of courage is what we need most today. And when it begins, it is unstoppable.
Dylan is joined by best-selling author and healer, Sol Luckman.
Dylan Charles – We are not sheep, we are human beings, so let’s act like it.
Paul Levy – It is ironic that “we are all in this together,” and yet, our world feels anything but together, as it is in an incredibly polarized and dissociated state.
Dylan Charles – The amazing way in which this sacred medicine can resolve childhood trauma.
Paul Levy – If we don’t develop an imagination for evil, we can lose touch with our shadow and identify with what Jung calls a “fictive personality.”
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Going supranational is going beyond the zeitgeist, transcending the sick society and becoming aware of the sickness.
Tyler Durden – Anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine apartheid protests kicked into high gear around the globe on Saturday.
My guest on this episode is author Paul Levy, known for his work in bringing Wetiko into the light of consciousness.