The Top 10 Prescribed Pharmaceuticals of 2016 Are a Sign That Food is Killing Us
Alex Pietrowski – A survey of the top drugs of 2016 is a clue that we are being fed poison.
Alex Pietrowski – A survey of the top drugs of 2016 is a clue that we are being fed poison.
Alex Pietrowski – The link between talcum and cancer was established in the 1970’s.
Alex Pietrowski – Water is life, unless said water has been poisoned and is toxic, then water kills life.
Alex Pietrowski – What would you do if you knew how the system worked?
Alex Pietrowski – This is how you take back your health and change your community.
Alex Pietrowski – Will the human race wake up and react in time to avert a major planetary crisis?
Alex Pietrowski – It is known to harm frogs and rats, so what is it doing to our children?
Alex Pietrowski – Resistance to these pipelines has been building for years.
Alex Pietrowski – It is a non-issue in American politics, and if you’re listening, the silence is deafening.
Alex Pietrowski – The ‘Re-Boot’ of Western democracy is happening right now in Iceland.
Alex Pietrowski – What if kids could overcome the symptoms of ADHD easily, without meds?
Alex Pietrowski – Will you protest being poisoned by the corporate state?
Alex Pietrowski – In a very real sense, seeds are life itself, yet we are rapidly losing them.
Alex Pietrowski – So, what are they doing with all this money they are stealing from us?
Alex Pietrowski – Research continues to mount in 2016 on behalf of cannabis.
Alex Pietrowski – A class action lawsuit requires them to ‘monitor’ the levels of carcinogens in Pepsi.
Alex Pietrowski – The war raw milk is being waged in the name of public safety.
Alex Pietrowski – Fires started by illegal loggers are threatening to wipe out uncontacted tribes.
Alex Pietrowski – If this nation can rally to protect human health, then any nation can.
Alex Pietrowski – It has become perfectly acceptable to drink water contaminated with chemicals.