Search Results for addiction

Cures To Autism Do Exist

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times  Far too many medical professionals swiftly encourage the route of standard (yet outdated) medications for autism and ignore the abundance of science and research that currently supports effective recovery protocols. Such protocols do lead to cures for many children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) and as healers, we must

Psychedelic Drugs – Strong Health Warning!

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times It feels important to raise the topic of psychedelic drugs and their involvement in spiritual awakening. It seems to be a growing trend for evolving people to want to short-cut the natural evolutionary process by involvement with transcendental experiences induced by drugs such as Ayahuasca and DMT. Openhand’s direct experience

Research Draws Link Between Personality Disorders and Animal Instincts

Frank Huguenard, Staff Writer Waking Times  According to new research in the field of consciousness, the traits and tendencies associated with the ten major personality disorders defined by modern psychologists have been found to be closely linked to any other types of natural instinctive animal and plant behavior seen in the world. Human beings are

Three Causes of Spiritual Illness

Waking Times As we pass through life on the physical plane, things happen. We contract flus and colds and viruses, and we sustain physical injuries, like falling off our bikes as children or experiencing sports injuries. As adults, we may throw our back out or experience a serious car accident, in the process, acquiring bruises,

Prescription Drugs Now Leading Cause Of Accidental Death ~ Time To Return To Holistic Medicine

Becca Wolford, Contributing Writer Waking Times I read a very disturbing news article today: Prescription drug deaths now outnumber other deaths in the U.S., this includes accidental traffic deaths. Prescription medications have become the leading cause of illness, disability, and death. Have you looked at the information sheets that come with the prescriptions? There are

The Visionary World Of Ayahuasca – Plant Spirit Shamanism In The Amazon

Howard G. Charing, Guest Writer Waking Times  Ayahuasca – Plant Spirit Medicine of the Amazon “We are not talking about passive agents of transformation, we are talking about an intelligence, a consciousness, an alive and other mind, a spirit, which of course we have no place in our society. Nature is alive and is talking

Psychiatrists Drugging Children for ‘Social Justice’

Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews Waking Times  It’s the latest thing. Psychiatrists are now giving children in poor neighborhoods Adderall, a dangerous stimulant, by making false diagnoses of ADHD, or no diagnoses at all. Their aim? To “promote social justice,” to improve academic performance in school. The rationale is, the drugged kids will now be able to

Don’t Look for Answers – Find the Questions

Zen Gardner Researching the internet for information has taught me so many things. First of all, explore. Remain open and take the time to follow your heart and the leads and little nudges you’re given. I know I’m preaching to much of the choir here, but these basic principles have such a wealth of wisdom

Imagination, Belief, Intellect and Knowledge

Carl Helmle, Guest Writer Waking Times A wise man once said that “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Clearly however, most of our contemporary culture does not view it as such. Here in the western world, imagination is considered to be somewhat of a dubious use of time. At best, it is reserved for naive

Ayahuasca – A Cure Through Love

Ross Heaven, Guest Writer Waking Times Shamanic healing often employs plants to good effect, though it is rarely about herbalism, per se. Indeed, most shamans are explicit that the pharmacological properties of the plants they employ are of far less importance than the spirit which is held by the plant. It is the spirit which

Use Natural Healing for Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Luella May, Guest Writer Waking Times Anxiety disorders are characterized by an overwhelming sense of apprehension. Sometimes such apprehension may become constant. Numerous physical symptoms may accompany anxiety with over 100 physical anxiety symptoms reported, including muscle tightness, heart palpitations, chest tightness/pain, dizziness, numbness, tingling, and electric shock feelings. Anxiety disorders often tend to progress

Nootropics, Psychedelics & Expansion of Consciousness

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times From ancient Vedic times in India, to the sanctuaries of Greece, including the Temple of Delphi, to the terraced Mayan hills in Central and South America, and spirit journeys of American Indians, to the DMT and mushroom induced trances of the aboriginal Australians, to the opium dens of China,

Don’t Let The Truth Spoil a Good Story

Mike Molyneaux, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Many of us yearn and pray for a world without violence, sickness, pain, poverty, slavery, dysfunctional families, defective or broken bodies and death, without floods and droughts, without earthquakes and tsunamis. Some visionaries and seers of old declared that all the troubles and woes of this life would eventually come

SPOIL – The Fight to Save the Great Bear Rainforest

Waking Times In the battle to keep big oil from spoiling the earth’s most precious natural gems, it helps to take a close look at the treasures we are wasting before the damage is done. SPOIL is a powerful, award winning documentary on the Great Bear Rainforest, in Canada’s British Columbia, showing the splendor of

Soul Retrieval: Singing Your Soul Home Again

Beth Beurkens, MA, Guest Writer Waking Times We are the sum of our ancestors Our roots stretch back to blue-green algae They stretch to the stars They ultimately reach the void This history is inscribed in our psyches Silence and solitude enjoin us to remember Our whole and great body. – Joan Halifax Shamans have

The Lumen Octave Principles – A Detailed Guide to the Language of the Soul

Mona Bhattacharya, Guest Writer Waking Times In our purest form, we are consciousness; we are the light that experiences everything. The instrument through which we experience our light – the human body – is essentially created by sound, i.e. atoms vibrating on different frequencies. These vibrations proceed in all kinds, aspects, and densities of the matter that

Metabolic Syndrome: Epidemic of the Modern Age

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Metabolic Syndrome represents all that ails Western Civilization. There is no other disease process which reflects the weaknesses of our lifestyle so poignantly. Because Metabolic Syndrome is so pervasive, it behooves each of us to take a close look at our eating habits, workstyle, exercise routines, sleep patterns and much more.

La Pequeña Muerte – Plant Medicine Healing with Ayahuasca

Waking Times La Pequeña Muerte is a short, beautiful film by Republic of Light Productions about the healing journey that 2 North Americans took to the Peruvian Amazon to find cures for physical and emotional ailments that were seemingly un-treatable by Western medicine. It has been said that many illnesses are purely psychosomatic, that is,

Smartphones: Overuse Causing New Health Crises

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Smartphones are here to stay. Smartphones are radically changing the way we live our lives. Smartphones are causing different health crises, most of which remain under the radar until they seemingly emerge out of nowhere. The headline below speaks directly to two different health concerns which are becoming

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