Search Results for addiction

An MD’s Perspective On How To Avoid, Treat And Reverse Diabetes

Dr. Russell M. Jaffe, MD, PhD, Green Med Info Waking Times Diabetes matters. One in three children born today is projected to develop the condition, based on current trends.[i] This condition already afflicts over a quarter of a billion people worldwide, including 25 million Americans. Within the U.S., insulin resistance and prediabetes (also known as metabolic syndrome and

The Mind Blowing Power of Mantra Yoga

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times Mantra yoga goes hand in hand with the Vedic sciences as well as Tantra, but it has been practiced in many forms by multiple cultures throughout the world. Gregorian chants are also a form of mantra, meant to elevate the consciousness. The Vedas (Rig Veda, etc.) themselves are mantras, and

The Vagus Nerve and the Healing Promise of The Sudarshan Kriya

Frank Huguenard, Staff Writer Waking Times At the center of our bodies resides a long, sinewy nerve that extends all the way from our medullas down through our chests to beyond our stomachs. This nerve, known as the Vagus Nerve, happens to be at a most fascinating intersection, not only between our two physical nervous systems

Four Quick Mindfulness Exercises

Eden Kozlowski, Contributor Waking Times As a lover and teacher of meditation and mindfulness, I see the adverse affects of stress everyday in my clients – physically, emotionally and spiritually. I am witnessing more and more that any moments of awareness we can give ourselves during the day can be powerful and place us swiftly

The Second Coming of Psychedelics

Don Lattin, Spirituality & Health Waking Times Ric Godfrey had the shakes. At night, his body temperature would drop and he’d start to tremble. During the day, he was jumpy. He was always looking around, always on edge. His vibe scared the people around him. He couldn’t hang on to a job. He started drinking

Trance and Shamanic States of Consciousness

Franco Santoro, Guest Writer Waking Times The term trance comes from the Latin transire, which means “to go over” or to move from one state to another. Although this word is often popularly associated with unusual states of mind or altered states of consciousness, its implied conditions play a vital role for all human beings

You Knew It Was Coming… First Vaccine Announced For Autism

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times A first-ever vaccine created by University of Guelph researchers to control autistic symptoms is here. The medical propaganda matrix has once again come full circle with their patented problem-reaction-solution. Although there is no study which directly links vaccines as the cause of autism, there have been hundreds of others

Kindness, Free Will and Universal Consciousness

Rene Descartes, Contributing Writer Waking Times Our free will is the key to freedom. We must choose to do right, and then exert our will in that direction. We and we alone are responsible for what we are, as well as our conditions here on Earth, we attracted all of it. Our free will makes

Resurrecting “Shine It On”

Ida Lawrence, Contributing Writer Waking Times We all know the past has everything to do with today. Right now I’m wondering if ‘being there’ in the sixties and seventies made some of our generation permanent rebels. We do all we can to resonate with the positive vibe no matter what’s happening – there’s a good

Usury – The Root of All Evil?

Peter Russell, Spirit of Now Waking Times The love of money is the root of all evil. — 1 Timothy 6:10 Why do people value money so much? There is, after all, nothing very attractive about grubby pieces of paper, dirty metal discs, or digital records in a database. Money gives us the ability to obtain

Peyote as Medicine – The Power of Native Plants to Heal

Ruth Hopkins, Indian Country Waking Times Most people in the United States are unaware of what an important role plants play in the field of medicine. Plants are the original source material for nearly 40% of all pharmaceutical remedies in the United States. In other words, there are prescription and over-the-counter drugs on the market

The Top 5 Similarities and Practices Between Big Tobacco and Big Pharma

Prevent Disease Waking Times Tobacco companies and pharmaceutical companies share so many commonalities and industry practices, that it is quite difficult to deny their ideological similarities. Besides the fact that both have used medical doctors to push their products, here are 5 other examples. 1. They both keep harmful findings of their products from the

10 Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Charlotte Whitelock, Guest Writer Waking Times Hypnotherapy is a powerful and effective tool for making massive improvements to your health and wellbeing, and providing you find a caring, professional Hypnotherapist, it can also be extremely relaxing and refreshing, a bit like having a massage for your mind. Hypnotherapy has come a long way since the

Saffron: Ancient Healing Powers Confirmed by Science

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Clearly there is something magical about the Crocus sativus flower, from which the spice saffron is derived.  If its striking beauty does not immediately cast a spell on its beholder, often it simply takes experiencing the spice to fall into full enchantment with it. While saffron is exceptionally

Electronic Cigarettes Contain Higher Levels of Toxic Metal Nanopartices Than Tobacco Smoke

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times  A concerning new study found that the aerosol from electronic cigarettes contains higher levels of measurable nanoparticle heavy metals than conventional tobacco smoke. A new study published in the journal PLoS One has uncovered a concerning fact about electronic cigarettes (EC): toxic metal and silicate particles including nanoparticles are present in

Why Does Society Think I’m Some Kind of Freak for Abstaining From Alcohol?

Andrew Beale, AlterNet Waking Times  No one ever asks me why I don’t shoot heroin. Everyone in my circle intuitively understands that heroin is extremely destructive. It’s highly addictive, disastrous for your health, there’s a huge risk of overdose — and the question of using it never comes up. But in the nearly three years

Kratom: The Miracle Healing Leaf

Dustin P., Metaphysical Source Waking Times  Kratom, derived from a Thai word for a species of tree known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a large tree in the Rubiaceae family that grows native in Southeast Asia. In the wild, the trees can grow higher than 60 feet and wider than 15 feet. The leaves can have

51 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening – How Many Do You Have?

Annarita, Guest Waking Times  1. Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day. There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back

DMT, Ayahuasca, The Pineal Gland – A Professor Talks Neurotheology

Clayton Crockett, Legacy Waking Times  Reach Out and Touch Faith Professor and chemist Steven Barker sits at his desk, surrounded by curious objects — a mortar and pestle, a DNA model, the cylinder of a spectrometer. Professor Steven Barker is a curious, if strange, man. And he does little to hide it, if he does

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