Search Results for Jefferey Jaxen

Open Sourcing the Food, Nutrition, and Supplement Industries

Jefferey Jaxen, Staff Writer Waking Times The next wave of the food, supplement, and nutrition market is upon us with little fanfare. Perhaps because the age of information we are in has once again caught the public and market by surprise with its rapid pace. The idea of health supplements is nothing new, however the

Radiation Protection Strategies: Avoid & Supplement

Jefferey Jaxen, Staff Writer Waking Times  As the realization of the environmental damage at Fukushima sets in, many are continuing to look for ways they can protect themselves from potential radiation exposure. Although I am far from an expert in this area, I have followed the disaster since March 11, 2011 intimately as well as the material put forth

Food Revolution: The Real Takeaway From the Natural News Garden of Life & Subway Agreements

Jefferey Jaxen, Contributor Waking Times It seems the tide is rapidly turning towards the true empowerment of humanity. First, due to the independent findings from the Health Ranger’s Forensic Food Lab combined with an “organic” social media blitz, Garden of Life, Sun Warrior, and Boku Superfood protein products have come to a mutual agreement regarding the quality of their protein

Simple Solutions for Fukushima from the Keshe Foundation

Jeffrey Jaxen, Contributor Waking Times Recently Mehren Keshe and the Keshe Foundation have publicly announced what they claim are solutions regarding the contaminated water and soil in Japan from the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster. This announcement comes a month after Keshe publicly warned Tepco live on Kerry Cassidy’s Project Camelot live stream that he was giving Tepco thirty days


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