Search Results for Frank M wanderer

The True Revolution

Frank M. Wanderer – The revolution of our time is the revolution of the Consciousness.

The Magical Power of Expectations

Frank M. Wanderer – Our world appears in the space of Consciousness, and the dance of the varied forms takes place in it.

Beyond the Law of Attraction

Frank M. Wanderer – The idea that we need to become something else other than what we are is not our own.

Suffering – A Wake Up Call

Frank M. Wanderer – Why do we need to suffer so much in our life, and why is there so much suffering on Earth?

Contacting the Dead

6 Steps and 3 Awakenings on the Spiritual Path

Frank M. Wanderer – You are invited to a special journey, in the course of which our inner light shines up in us. This journey takes us through six steps to three awakenings, each one more profound than the previous one.

Are You a Mature Soul?

Frank M. Wanderer – What does it mean that the Soul is mature or immature?

The Nature of Real Meditation

Frank M. Wanderer – It is very difficult not to do anything, because you are used to always doing something.

how to meditate

The Three Dimensions of Mindfulness

Frank M. Wanderer – When the notion of Mindfulness is mentioned at a conversation, people often tend to confuse it with being awake.

The Secrets of the Spiritual Journey

Frank M. Wanderer – The book of our life stretches between the two end points, and this book is the chronicle of our wanderings.

The Power of Solitude

Frank M. Wanderer – Why do people so desperately run away from loneliness, from being alone?

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