Search Results for Bill Gates

Musk’s 5G Spy Satellite Megalomania         

Julian Rose – Musk’s great ‘vision of the future’ is to marry his obscene wealth to the most advanced artificial intelligence technologies for the ultimate enslavement of humanity.

The Global Reset Unplugged & ‘The Deep State’

Tyler Durden – Imagine, you are living in a world that you are told is a democracy – and you may even believe it – but in fact your life and fate is in the hands of a few ultra-rich, ultra-powerful and ultra-inhuman oligarchs.

Lockdown Insanity in Washington State

Jon Rappoport – WA Governor Jay Inslee has announced that any citizen of the state who refuses to be tested for COVID-19 will be locked down at home—not even permitted to go out and buy groceries.

No, thanks!
