Search Results for 5g

Ten Tips to Become Happier

Kevin W Chen, Ph.D. MPH, Yang-Sheng Waking Times  Have you ever wished that, instead of learning about history or the speed of light in school, we were also taught something more practical, like how to be happy?  Well, your wish has come true. Recently, a new subject has appeared in education, not in high school

What is Freedom?

Konstantin Eriksen, Guest Writer Waking Times  Today I’d like to talk about a subject that I’ve been thinking about for many years and to share my current thinking on the topic: What is freedom? The reality is that no matter how much I thought about the meaning of freedom and how much I read about it,

Erasing the Consciousness Dilemma and Entering the Mystic State

Emmanuel Karavousanos, Guest Writer Waking Times Religions have increased in number over the many centuries illustrating a need humans have for spiritual relief.  Over this great period of time mysticism has continued to baffle and elude human understanding.  The mystical experience and the mystical state have remained just that – mystical.  It may very well

Scientists Point Out Corruption in Vaccine’s Promotion

Heidi Stevenson, Green Med Info Waking Times Using Merck’s Gardasil vaccine as a case in point, an investigation documents Big Pharma’s near-total control of governmental health agency decisions and the utter lack of concern by the decision makers. However, some scientists are speaking out, and here’s what they have to say. Read a French Translation

20 Herbs From the Tribal Domain for Remedying Acidity

Dr Deepak Acharya, Green Med Info Waking Times The traditional storage of ethnobotanical knowledge in memory and practices has a long history and must go back to the beginning of human existence. Likewise, ethnobotany is of great age in India, where it has been described in several ancient literatures. One of the most important sources

The Freak Cancerous Organism Devouring the World

Zen Gardner Waking Times When you witness this pacman type insatiable banking and corporate devouring of any and everything possible from countries to companies to public branding to full spectrum media and advertising dominance, you have to liken this insanity to a cancer. One organism is seeking to devour and own it all. This organism

Truth or Denial in the Age of Information Overload

Zen Gardner Waking Times A lot of people are getting more frustrated than ever with either trying to wake people up, or just witnessing the apparent absolute ignorance of people not being able to notice what’s really going on around them. There are many reasons for this, and it’s an age old problem. In today’s

Front-Line Workers and Pregnant Women In Droves Shun Flu Vaccine

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times There’s something so magnificent about an idea whose time has come. The idea that as a population, we do not need toxic injections of anything in our bodies to prevent disease. More front-line workers, medical staff, nurses and hospital employees are saying no to vaccines more than ever reported.

Say No to Thimerosal, Say No to the Flu Vaccine

Dr. Mark Sircus, Green Med Info Waking Times Saying no to vaccines in the face of the gale wind of propaganda and governmentally supported vaccine campaigns is high treason punishable to the point of having your kids taken away if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. True medicine cries

Material vs. Cosmic Perspective

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times Almost all of the world’s problems, let alone our personal snickers and complaints, can be boiled down to a difference in either a material or cosmic perspective of the world. Many of us do-do-do instead of be-be-be because we have been conditioned to accept the world on nihilistic, materialistic

Homo Divinicus – The Shape of Things to Come

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times These are monumental times we’re blessed to be living in. Humanity is waking up from eons of amnesia. Gaia has centred in the Fifth Density and powerful evolutionary transitions of consciousness will unleash the earth from the restrictive and exploitative karmic energies of our past. To many, in these early

Creature Consciousness and the Human Power Animal

Barry Cottrell, Guest Writer Waking Times  As long as we profess ignorance about our own creature manifestation and do not develop our energetic potentialities, we forget the crux of our astonishing existence. Many people live today with a strong, growing sense of expectation, often laced with apprehension, as if some radical and rapid process of

The Seven Human Energy Chakras

Zazenking, ZazenLife Waking Times According to the tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, the human body has seven “force centers” or energy focal points that are used for the reception and transmission of energies. These are known as chakras. It is typical for chakras to be depicted as either flower-like or wheel-like centers

Understanding Qigong and Tai Chi

Konstantin Eriksen, Guest Writer Waking Times  Tai chi qigong, and, in fact, all forms of chi kung (chi kung and qigong are the same thing), have deep roots in ancient Chinese philosophy. Their principles can be hard to understand for a lot of Westerners. In this article I’m going to give you a basic overview of

Occupy Homes, One Year On And Growing Daily

Laura Gottesdiener, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times  Occupy Homes MN supporters march down Portland Avenue to reclaim a vacant foreclosed house in Minneapolis. Photo credit: via Occupy Homes MN. “We are about to take this house over, okay?” shouted Reneka Wheeler, speaking slowly and emphasizing each word as she stood in front of a

Reishi: The Brilliant Mushroom

Pamela Duff, Green Med Info Waking Times  These varnished-looking mushrooms are gorgeous when fresh since the caps are liver-red to a reddish brown and distinctively glossy. Ganoderma is from the Latin gan, meaning “shiny”, derma meaning “skin”, and lucideum meaning “brilliant”. The surface is arranged in lumpy zones with colour progressing to white or yellow along the edge. Lucideum grows on hardwoods

Unplug From the Lie – The Solution Starts WIth You

Catherine Lamb and Elaine McLellan, Guest Writers Waking Times Good ideas abound, presented by caring individuals with skills and knowledge to share; organic gardens, survival skills, the promise of new industry and medicine from hemp and cannabis, etc. It truly does offer hope. Solutions swirl around us like a storm yet we remain paralyzed and

December 2012 – Just the Beginning

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times We made it!  We got through 2012. Well – almost. THE month of THE year that has been talked about for decades is finally here. The date we’ve all  had thrust into our consciousness – December 21is the date of the ‘Galactic Alignment.’ The what – you may ask?

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