Search Results for 5g

How One Simple Breathing Technique Can Prolong Your Life: Nadi Shodhana

Christina Sarich, Contributor Waking Times In a recent six-year study conducted on over 2800 men from Copenhagen, Denmark, scientists discovered that the resting heart rate has a whole lot to do with the length of our lives. Ancient yogis knew this too, when they pointed to elephants and other large mammals with slow breathing rates

Astral Projection Technique: Concentration on the Heart

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times One of the most effective exercises of astral projection is concentration on the heart. This exercise has been used for this purpose for probably thousands of years, and it’s the one I’ve used most. Virtually anything that focuses the mind upon one thing can be used to project with, but concentrating

The Problem with Paradigms: In Search of Earth’s Hidden History

J.S. Gordon, New Dawn Waking Times Mainstream orthodox (or ‘physical’) science contains as many paradigms as it does supposed facts, if not more; but it still tends to treat the former as largely substantiated facts. However, a paradigm – as the dictionary confirms – is merely a model, involving one or more assumptions. In fact,

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry

Randall Carlson, Guest Writer Waking Times Most of us tend to think of geometry as a relatively dry, if not altogether boring, subject remembered from our Middle school years, consisting of endless axioms, definitions, postulates and proofs, hearkening back, in fact, to the methodology of Euclids Elements, in form and structure a masterly exposition of logical

Changing in the Face of Change

Zen Gardner, Guest Writer Waking Times Things change more than we think. Way more and in more ways. Even when we’re aware of the underlying reality of constant change, we reference new changes by our memory and perception of old changes. Those are based on previous reference points. And they’re all in transition. We’re judging change

Mistakes and Being Human

Rene Descartes, Contributor Waking Times We are here to make all the mistakes we want, because, it is through our mistakes that we learn. As long as we try to do what we know to be right, we will be on the right path. If we make a mistake, we should fully recognize it as

Vaccine Legislative Update: The Vaccine Police State is Knocking…

Alan Phillips, J.D., Green Med Info Waking Times The National Vaccine Information Center’s Advocacy Portal ( lists current vaccine bills throughout the U.S. Right now, it lists from one to six vaccine bills in each of 30+ states. Most of these bills, if passed into law, would further expand an already out-of-control pharmaceutical vaccine agenda

Your Body Is A Mirror Of Your Life

Martin Brofman, Guest Writer Waking Times Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness. Your consciousness is who you are, your experience of Being. You decide what ideas to accept and which to reject. You decide what to

Being The Change, Tipping Points and Monkeys On the Loose

Zen Gardner Waking Times So many are asking, “What can I do? How can I make a difference? How do I go about helping to effect the changes the world so direly needs?” Good questions. I repeatedly say to people to get conscious and you’ll know what to do. What does that mean? Gain empowering

Vaccines Don’t Protect: Exposing the Vaccination for Immunity Fraud

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times There are two primary guilt trips used on parents who refuse vaccinations for their children. The first is absurd enough to be laughable – the peer pressure tactic of not letting children who weren’t vaccinated around parents’ vaccinated children. But if your kids were vaccinated, they’re supposed to be

7 Secrets to Knowing Your Higher Self

Asoka Selvarajah, Guest Writer Waking Times  Each of us is connected with the Divine. The Higher Self within us far transcends the understanding of our conscious minds. This is the power that all the great geniuses and teachers of history have accessed. It is also the place of magic and miracle in our lives. Here are the

Seaweed Versus Chemotherapy: Can Seaweed Treat Cancer?

Case Adams, Naturopath, Green Med Info Waking Times  Several recent international studies have illustrated that seaweeds and their extracts may have the capability of inhibiting and even treating cancer. The most recent study, from Brazil’s Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, found that two fractionated polysaccharides from the seaweed species Sargassum vulgare inhibited the

Future Flu Shots Made From Dog and Insect Cells?

Anne Gordon, RN, Green Med Info Waking Times We are in desperate times and many people are completely oblivious to the fact.  Rats that eat GMO food have been shown to grow deadly tumors. Our water is often tainted with plastic leaching BPA, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and other toxins – not to mention the intentional injection of mind-numbing fluoride into

The Power of the Mind

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., New Dawn Waking Times Living in the world under your skin is a bustling metropolis of 50 trillion cells, each of which is biologically and functionally equivalent to a miniature human. Current popular opinion holds that the fate and behaviour of our internal cellular citizens are preprogrammed in their genes. Since Watson

Mathematics and Reality

Peter Russell, Spirit of Now Waking Times The question is sometimes raised as to how it is that mathematics, which is a creation of the human mind, without any empirical reference to external reality, should match reality so well. When we make the distinction between the reality we experience and the underlying reality, the correlation

The Maturation of the Soul

Eric Allen Bell, Guest Writer Waking Times The nature of consciousness is that it evolves.  Everything is comprised of consciousness.  Non-local consciousness is the ground of all being.  You are an expression of the infinite consciousness that knows no boundaries.  That which looks out through your eyes, that which seems like individual consciousness, evolves.  It

Fukushima Now

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times  It is now two years since the Tsunami and consequent nuclear ‘accident’ at Fukushima. I remember it so well, we delayed the release of our 5GATEWAYS film as a mark of respect and solidarity for the people. So what’s the situation at Fukushima now? And what are the implications society should

Understanding Karma and Becoming Free From Fear With Yoga

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer Waking Times I am not the only one who has been delivered shocking and upsetting news. Sometimes our karma seems to come back to bite us so strongly that we can’t imagine what previous thoughts and deeds led to the culmination of this moment. It can’t possibly be my responsibility to

The Spiritual Nature of Hair

Deva Kaur Khalsa, 3ho Waking Times “Our hair fashions might be just a trend, but if we investigate, we may find that we have been depriving ourselves of one of the most valuable sources of energy for human vitality.” –Yogi Bhajan Consider the possibility that the hair on your head is there to do more than

The Field – And Us

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times Einstein said: “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.”  We know, from the revelations of quantum physics, that this field, or all-pervasive space, is an in-formation field within which everything in the universe exists. There is a non-local connectivity in the field – which must be

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