Search Results for 5g

Why Do We Weep?

Zen Gardner Waking Times It’s not easy to stay sensitive in such a cruel, insensitive world but it’s imperative. That’s the beauty of empathic souls – they have open and loving hearts, even if it hurts, which is why each of us needs to generate and receive so much love and encouragement. Loving empathy is

Have You Achieved Enlightenment?

Rene Descartes, Contributor Waking Times Have you achieved enlightenment? Perhaps. You would know if you did. You’d know it far more easily than knowing if you’d been struck by a bolt of lightning. And that’s why you’re here in this world. That’s why you are reading all those books and this as well. Because you are

The Art of Honest Deception

Vincent H. Gaddis, Strange Mag Waking Times John Mulholland, the well-known magician, was displaying his fascinating mastery of sleight of hand before an audience of college professors and students. He picked up a coin with his left hand, placed it in his right, then opened his hand slowly. The coin had vanished. Suddenly a book

Why Do You Seek Freedom?

Colin Bondi, Contributor Waking Times There are an endless number of things to want in this world. Desires are endless because when one desire is satisfied soon another rises to take its place, continuing the cycle of wanting. Human life is usually characterized by movement (desire) either towards some object whether that object be money, power,

The Law of Attraction Unveiled

Chris Bourne, Contributor Waking Times Harnessing the attractive power of the universe Unless you’ve woken up recently, you’ve probably heard much about the so called “Law of Attraction”. Motivational Gurus the world over seem to be advocating it’s use to create the reality we might want, to generate abundance in life or that long sought after

Consciousness and the Direction of Structure

Tony Wright, Guest Writer Waking Times Solving the mystery of human evolution using Darwin’s basic theory required no more than a simple reinterpretation of existing data and the application of basic biological principles. The same approach simultaneously resolves several other major enigmas in disciplines rarely considered within the same context. By following in the footsteps

Mount Kailash -The Seat of the Soul of the Planet

Christina Sarich, Contributor Waking Times There are numerous puja sites throughout India where the spiritually minded can travel to gather prana and take in the sites along the way. From over a thousand Shiva temples, the remnants of numerous Buddha Temples, Jain Temples and geographic locations, including lakes, rivers, and tributaries of the Ganges, mountain peaks

The Currency Of Kindness

Soren Dreier, Contributing Writer Waking Times A most powerful force is kindness. It seems to have a life of its own. It´s like a manifested organism multiplying on the inside and the outside. Highly contagious. There are levels to the value of it of course. Some manifested kindness is not kindness. It´s selfish. It comes

Did You Know: Natural Cancer Treatments are Hidden From You – But Why?

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times The recent Texas Medical Board attacks on Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, who has been highly successful at curing hopeless cancer victims in his Houston research clinic, brought to mind an interview quote from Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. He referred to the cancer industry’s attitude toward treating cancer outside the medical mafia’s zone

Trance and Shamanic States of Consciousness

Franco Santoro, Guest Writer Waking Times The term trance comes from the Latin transire, which means “to go over” or to move from one state to another. Although this word is often popularly associated with unusual states of mind or altered states of consciousness, its implied conditions play a vital role for all human beings

Free Will vs. Cultural Programming: The Matrix Loses

Daikan Basho, Contributing Writer Waking Times Human beings are curious creatures in that they have a most unusual capacity for free will, yet, are so easily manipulated, controlled, and subjugated by other people. Quite a paradox. The deciding factor between which of these two inherent states one occupies, mental freedom or mental slavery, often has to

You Knew It Was Coming… First Vaccine Announced For Autism

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times A first-ever vaccine created by University of Guelph researchers to control autistic symptoms is here. The medical propaganda matrix has once again come full circle with their patented problem-reaction-solution. Although there is no study which directly links vaccines as the cause of autism, there have been hundreds of others

Can The Awakening Be Hijacked?

Zen Gardner Waking Times Once we understand that everything is an illusion we’re home free. Knowing we’re eternal consciousness having this in-body experience is the greatest gift anyone can possibly wake up to. It’s wonderful, it’s free and it’s forever… and it’s for everyone! People just need to wake up to it. That would seem

Deception on the Spiritual Path

Chris Bourne, Contributor Waking Times It’s so easy to create illusionary realities on the path. Subtle essences of ego know how the soul is likely to act in particular circumstances. We’ve ‘seen’ what ‘Enlightenment’ looks like and a part of the soul might want to copy that. It’s kind of like an echo of the

Gut Flora Accounts for Up to 80% of Immunity, Not Vaccinations

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times It’s important for parents to at least consider the potential dangers and lack of necessity of vaccinations. Now some pediatricians are withholding treatment for children whose parents’ have rejected all or some vaccinations – this simply isn’t right. But it’s important not to cave in to those pressures, and

11:11 Is it Happening to You?

Marie Jones & Larry Flaxman, New Dawn Waking Times Imagine waking up at exactly the same moment night after night for years and seeing the same time appear on the alarm clock beside your bed. For those who experience this strange occurrence, their first thoughts might be that it was random chance, or simply the

Mysticism and Ordinary Consciousness

Emmanuel Karavousanos, Contributor Waking Times In reading, hearing and watching the news of the day, we learn of the horrors that go on in our world. Though much of the news is all too troubling, there is also some that is good and often, promising. Perhaps the good can be greatly expanded if we, individually,

To Your Nature Be True

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times  “Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs?” – Marcus Aurelius If you look back on the life you have lived until now, you will see that everything you have experienced, every choice, every turn, every chance encounter and

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