Search Results for 5g

The Power of Subtlety

Deb Buck, Guest Waking Times Have you ever noticed how the power of burning a smudge stick can change the course of one day?  How deep breathing can guide a different response in the time of trauma? How remembering to sing a song when your sad or to drink a cup of Dandelion Root tea

Wireless, Chemtrails, and You

William Thomas, Wake Up World Waking Times Next time you’re on a cellphone looking up at those long lingering plumes spreading across the sky, you might decide to end that call. If you spot any cell towers, roof-mounted transmitters or high-voltage power lines within a mile of your location, you may wish to evacuate the

Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Increasingly science agrees with the poetry of direct human experience:  we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies, but beings of light as well. Biophotons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell

Our Spirit Speaks The Loudest

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times I know from experience that our confident, loving attitude and spirit is what generates change and revelation. It happens continually but we can rarely see it with our physical eyes. There’s a level where confident knowing and conviction, however they’re expressed or manifested, speak straight to and enrapture the soul.

Death By Fear

Sharon Chayra, The Shaman’s Well Waking Times In a span of nearly half a century, I’ve said a number of goodbyes. Some to friends I never saw beyond kindergarten and to others when my extended stay in England was complete. There were the polite goodbyes with employers for whom I, or they, were no longer

Proof That Big Pharma Doesn’t Care About Vaccine Harm

Heidi Stevenson, Gaia-Health Waking Times Big Pharma’s corruption goes back decades. Wyeth’s attempt in 1979 to find a way to make it difficult or impossible to track batches of vaccine when something goes wrong—like when children die—clarifies that there’s nothing new about their willingness to cover up the massive harms done by their products, even when

Important Keys to Manifestation and Energy Return

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times The work that you do is not what you’d love to do, but you do it because you have to… and you wish you didn’t have to. That’s the uncomfortable feeling within the mind/heart of many of us. Some of us are not only doing work that that we don’t

US Nuclear MOX Facility – A Radioactive Waste of Money

Mia Steinle, Guest Waking Times The federal government should stop building a pointless $7.7 billion facility to convert plutonium into fuel for nuclear reactors. Can a single example illustrate why the federal budget is so hard to get under control? A somewhat obscure nuclear processing plant on the Savannah River in South Carolina might do

Integrating Inner Identities

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times Due to disruptive nature of society, it’s probably the case that with most, the lower self is separated from higher spiritual awareness at a pretty early age. Whether it be the programmed and conditioning behaviours of our parents, excito-toxins in our food or the electro-smog of modern day gadgetry,

The Secrets of Siberian Shamanism

Michael Howard, New Dawn Waking Times Today, especially in New Age circles, the term ‘shamanism’ is often used in a generalised way to describe all kinds of indigenous magical practices in a wide range of cultures worldwide. It has also been projected back into a past that it never had, so we can find modern

The Five Elements of Lasting Inner Peace

James C. Wilhelm, Contributor Waking Times Nearly 40 years ago George Harrison wrote a song titled, It’s What You Value. In the second verse George says, “It’s all up to what you value, Down to where you are.” Some of us value what we can see and hear and we often say, “I’ll believe it

The Winning Combination

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Does it matter if the girl at the bank knows what GMOs are? She’s a sweetheart… teaching me how to speak Spanish. She says I’m good… my accent is hardly noticeable. So we get into a new phrase every time I see her. She doesn’t know I’m on a mission…

Victims of Fashion

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times Ending sweat shop exploitation Some of you might have been horrified by the recent sweat shop factory collapse in Bangladesh which claimed the lives of more than 1100 people. I wonder if that had happened in the west, what a furore would have taken place in response? That’s almost

The Native American Sweatlodge – A Spiritual Tradition

Barefoot Windwalker, Guest Waking Times The Sweat Lodge Ceremony, now central to most Native American cultures and spiritual life, is an adaptation of the sweat bath common to many ethnic cultures found in North and South America, Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, and Africa. It was prompted by the influence of European culture with its

No Historical Benefit in Vaccines: Polish Study

Heidi Stevenson, Green Med Info Waking Times Yesterday’s article, Vaccines Do Irreparable Harm: Study from Poland, documents the revealing information brought out by Polish scientists’ review of the scientific literature on vaccination’s adverse effects and immune system effects. Today, the rest of the study covering neurological symptoms following vaccination and a history of vaccines demonstrating little

Sacred White Sage: A Way to Clear Negativity

Eileen Nauman, Guest Waking Times Every Nation has its sage for ceremonial purposes. I was shown specific white, ‘female’ patches of sage a long time ago by my medicine man teacher, who was western Cherokee. Sage is used for clearing negativity inside and outside ourselves, from our dwellings, a room, an office, an attic or

The “Long Emergency,” Permaculture, and Towns that Food Saved

Andrew Willner, Guest  Waking Times We live in dangerous times, when economic collapse, climate chaos, and peak oil threaten the foundations of society, abundance, and all we hold dear. “Business as usual” will no longer suffice, because that way leads to certain pain, peril and impoverishment. Unspeakable acts of violence like the slaughter at the Sandy

Can Chinese Herbal Medicine Treat Cancer? The Research Says Yes

Case Adams, Naturopath, Green Med Info Waking Times A large scale review of research by Australia and Chinese University scientists has proved with thousands of studies using hundreds of thousands of cancer patients that Chinese herbal medicine offers significant treatment for most types of cancers – including breast cancer. The research comes from Australia’s University

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