Search Results for 5g

Gnostic Palms and the Eye of the Handshake

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that you hold literally in the palm of your hand. It boasts neither a whimsical shape, nor beckons attention as an oddity of design. Even to the most discerning eye it’s without specific form

HAARP, Chemtrails, and Weather Modification – The True Source of Climate Change

James Lee, Contributor Waking Times To state the obvious, the weather around the globe keeps getting more and more intense everywhere. It is getting much colder in some regions and much hotter in others. It is global warming and it is global cooling. Record highs, record lows, record heat, record cold. Record swing in temperature

Removing the Veil

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times “You yourself are under your own veil.” -Hafiz Q:  I have been traveling the road to higher consciousness for many years and it has been a long hard journey. Fortunately there have been occasional Divine Breezes along the way, but I cannot say I feel any closer to God for

Helping the Amazon’s ‘Jaguar People’ Protect Their Culture And Traditional Wisdom

Rhett A. Butler, Mongabay Waking Times Tribes in the Amazon are increasingly exposed to the outside world by choice or circumstance. The fallout of outside contact has rarely been anything less than catastrophic, resulting in untold extinction of hundreds of tribes over the centuries. For ones that survived the devastation of introduced disease and conquest,

TV Propaganda and the Mind Control Culture

SARTRE, Contributor Waking Times Few subjects present an undisputable window into modern society than the electronic version of reality that is dispensed through television broadcasts. This technology does not require interactive skills or critical thinking acumen. Just watch and fall into a daydream trance. TV is the stealth killer that penetrates 114.7 million American households.

Knowing Right From Wrong

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times On one level people want simple answers and to be told what to do. On another, they want freedom to choose and make their own decisions. People are multi-level and have the capacity to make their own choices as well as accept direction from others. Discord sets in when

Solfeggio Frequencies Set Body Into Full Harmony

Karol Jankowiak, Guest Waking Times What are the Solfeggio frequencies? Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised

WiFi – The Invisible Killing Fields

Jamie Lee, Contributor Waking Times “There are no safe levels of radiation.” –Barrie Trower, Physicist and former Military expert on Microwave Radiation The mass rollout of Wifi over the past decade has been phenomenal as to how integrated it has become in all facets of our society and our personal lives. Yet few have asked

The Common Toxin Lurking in Your Pantry Causing Obesity, Diabetes, Infertility and a Range of Unpleasant Side Effects

Carolanne Wright, Guest Waking Times Typically, individuals concerned about health read labels and question if the food they consume will promote vitality and balance. So it’s particularly disturbing when a hazardous ingredient is allowed to infiltrate the food supply under a misleading name that hides its true identity. Thanks to the Food and Drug Administration

The Influenza Deception

Brandon Turbeville, Guest Waking Times With the latest round of hysteria regarding the prevalence of the annual flu season and the “need” for the flu vaccine in full swing, one unaccustomed to reading the details of government statistics and the arguments for or against vaccination might justifiably be terrorized into running to their local vaccine

20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times Traditional educational systems basically teach us that the history of man only dates back to about 8,000 years ago while religious texts date mankind to approximately 6,000 years ago.  It is more than obvious that there a massive push to occlude our true history and origins. While you

Sacred Language of the Human Body

Mona Delfino, In5D Guest Waking Times If we understand the concepts that our minds are capable of, we’ll accelerate and amplify the process by which energy heals. For in this knowledge of a technique called energy medicine, we are fully capable of healing ourselves. When we listen to another person speak to us, we hear them

Fukushima – One Hell of a Mirror for Humanity

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times Have you wondered why news about the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant is eerily sparse? Recently the Russian Federation has raised reporting about Fukushima to its highest classification, meaning that if the truth was released, it could damage the foundation of the federation itself. And in America, according to insiders,

CDC Not Legally Required to Tell the Truth About Anything, Including Vaccines

Christina Sarich, Natural Society Waking Times Since the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) aren’t legally required to tell the truth about anything, why should they? Maybe this is just one of many reasons the public is unaware of the many problems revolving around America’s health system.

The Fool Card

Jennifer Reynolds, Contributor Waking Times The number is zero, a symbol for infinity, without beginning or end (alpha and omega). Significantly here, its symbol represents the concept of things being cyclic. Although normally interpreted as void and nothingness, a circle is pregnant with potential. At some point the 22 major cards of tarot came to

You May Wake Up… But Will You Get Out of Bed?

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Each one of us came here with a purpose. Either we decided, or a higher being decided on our behalf, that our spirit would attach to a particular physical body which would manifest itself through the act of conjugation between a particular man and a particular woman. Well yes, you

Debt, Foreclosure and Forgiveness

Uwe Blesching, Contributor Waking Times Make no mistake, bankruptcies or foreclosures, are a serious crisis. The sustained mental and emotional stress commonly experienced during the months or years of bankruptcy or foreclosure process is toxic stress. This type of stress has been shown to increase the risk of developing chronic de- generative diseases such as

Was 2012 an Epic Fail?

Marc Oromaner, Contributor Waking Times For years leading up to 2012, spiritual-types who were sick of the way the world was heading could take comfort in the promise of a new era that was predicted to begin on December 21 of that year. The Mayans, known for their astronomical expertise had supposedly predicted it. In

Numerology Forecast for the New Year: 2014 – Food, Water, Music

Nam Hari Kaur, 3HO Waking Times Blink twice and it’s gone. This is how swiftly things will be moving in the calendar year of 2014. The Gift number of this year is a 5 (1+4=5), and number 5 creates a flow and force of powerful changes and upheaval. There will mostcertainly be new opportunities amidst

What Are Spirits?

Bob Makransky, Shamanic Journey Waking Times Most people rely upon the dictates of their society to know what to do – what they’ve been taught by their parents, teachers, pastors, bosses, advertisers, and the media. Magicians, by contrast, rely upon the counsel of spirits, at least until they’ve got their own intuition and intent operating.

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