Search Results for 5g

Protecting Your Energy

Brad Dixon, Guest Waking Times  Copyright, 2013, Brad Dixon (excerpted from his forthcoming book) Protecting your energy is vitally important. This applies to your daily living and not just when practicing energetic healing arts like Reiki. Fundamentally, I believe that we are all connected (part of the same universal energy). However, until we achieve a total

Flame Retardants and Fluoride—Two Neurotoxic Chemicals Again Linked to Reduced IQ

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Did you know that items you come into contact with every day, such as your couch cushions, your carpeting, and your mattress, might be exposing you to highly toxic compounds? In most cases, they will contain flame-retardant chemicals that have been linked to serious health risks like infertility, birth defects, neurodevelopmental

Scientists Conclude that Fracking Contaminates Drinking Water

EcoWatch Waking Times Last week a Texas TV station broke the news that new independent scientific analysis refutes the claim by the oil and gas industry that “there’s never been a confirmed case of fracking polluting drinking water.” WFAA, the ABC affiliate in Dallas, reported that two independent scientists using data from Texas regulators confirmed fracking in Parker County, TX by Range Resources polluted resident Steve

Children Receive 80 Vaccinations Throughout Childhood – New Links to Autism Found

Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution Waking Times A new vaccine study published in the peer-reviewed journal Molecular and Genetic Medicine is bringing more awareness to the connection between the dramatic increase in the quantity of routine childhood vaccines and the correlating increase in inflammation-associated disorders. (1) “A massive increase in immunization has occurred. In the United States for example since

Humanity In An All-Out Effort to Save Itself From Government

Bernie Suarez, Guest Waking Times The experience of humanity is driven and defined by our own consciousness, which is a product of our sophisticated brain functions. We are consciousness in every way shape and form. Control of this miracle of consciousness is sought by a few individuals who are actually suffering from a mental (disconnect) disorder. What

The Top 5 Similarities and Practices Between Big Tobacco and Big Pharma

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Tobacco companies and pharmaceutical companies share so many commonalities and industry practices, that it is quite difficult to deny their ideological similarities. Besides the fact that both have used medical doctors to push their products, here are 5 other examples. 1. They both keep harmful findings of their products

Fissures in the Great Wall & The Illusion of Ordinary Life

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times In modern times we have all accepted a reality based solely on and limited to the five senses. During the past 6,000 years, the period known as the Kali Yuga, our innate abilities to perceive the Invisible Realms have atrophied to the point that most humans are incapable of

All Wars Are Well Planned Banker Wars, Including World War 3

Jamie Lee, Contributor Waking Times When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power, There Will Be Peace. – Jimi Hendrix The Cause of War Wars start when one nation moves into the territory of another; depressions occur when markets take unexpected downturns; inflations occur when prices are driven up by shortages; revolutions start

Top Biochemist Calls to Abolish Smart Meters, WiFi in Schools, and Baby Monitors

Kevin Samson, Guest Waking Times Our modern world is creating an electromagnetic soup filled with electrical pulses, radio frequencies, computer screens, wireless signals, as well as personal devices such as cell phones and gadgets that are emitting damaging radiation. There are many peer-reviewed scientific studies drawing conclusions that should concern us all, but particularly for young children and pregnant

Thyroid Cancer Epidemic Caused by Misinformation, Not Cancer

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Did you know the vast majority of thyroid cancer diagnoses are FALSE? And yet, the vast majority go ahead and get ‘treated’ anyway, with total removal of the gland, radiation and life long hormone replacement. Any diagnosis of cancer can be highly traumatic. Given the conventionally held view

Slipping Into The Cosmos

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times You might be feeling a strange sensation lately – like slipping into other realms of thought, perspective or consciousness. It can be manifest in very mundane incidents, and it can be very perceptually profound. It’s not easy to identify, never mind classify. Nevertheless, the shift is on and it’s hitting

Black Whole Dynamics: The Origin of Consciousness?

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times In our universe, everything is energy. And there is no division in that energy; it is formless, infinitely dense, and available at every point in the universe in unlimited quantities. Therefore, what is consciousness? And what is the origin of consciousness? If everything is energy then there is no solidity anywhere, and

5 Reasons Allergies Are Mysteriously Increasing

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Are you seeing more people sneezing and tearing up every allergy season? Studies show that allergies are on the rise in developed countries, including the United States — not just seasonal allergies, but allergies of all kinds. Officials say they can’t quite pinpoint the mysterious cause behind such a

10 Things to Know About BPA

Dr. Edward Group, Guest Waking Times There are 10 things about BPA each one of us should know to help us protect our most important resource—our children—from a number of horrible health conditions we would never wish on our worst enemies. These facts include information on health conditions caused by this substance along with practical

Universal Consciousness and Unlimited Potential

Melissa Joy Jonsson, Contributor Waking Times “Consciousness is a word worn smooth by a million tongues. Depending upon the figure of speech chosen it is a state of being, a substance, a process, a place, an epiphenomenon, an emergent aspect of matter, or the only true reality.” -George Miller What is universal consciousness? Well, before

Effective Autism Treatments Being Dismantled by FDA

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times The Pharmaceutical industry is about to embark on multiple medical interventions for autism including vaccines (yes, vaccines) as well as different drugs to treat the disorder. In an effort to to sway opinion, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is launching a series of campaigns to mislead consumers who

Paleo-Sanskrit Subtitles Adorn the Murals of Lascaux Cave

Alex Putney, Guest Waking Times Lascaux Cave, in southern France, comprises a series of linked subterranean galleries with several large, colorful murals painted by highly skilled Paleolithic artists over 18,000 years ago. The cave entrance was discovered and cleared in 1940 to reveal exquisite galleries in an extraordinary state of preservation. Decay due to moisture and

What is Chi?

Rod Morin, Contributor Waking Times Many, many, sages, scholars, researchers and laymen have attempted to answer the perplexing question of – What is Chi? The simplistic answer most often used is that Chi is “vital energy” or Chi is the “life force”, but this answer falls well short of addressing the apparent complexity of Chi.

Are Mercury Fillings and Mercury Poisoning Causing an Epidemic of Hypothyroidism?

Rich Travis, Guest Waking Times This is a very controversial subject. Much has been written, and lines in the sand have clearly been drawn, regarding mercury fillings. The American Dental Association, FDA and the National Institutes of Health stand firm that mercury fillings are safe and well within the acceptable levels allowed by the US government. They have said that once mercury

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