What Happens When These People Realize Their World is Not Real?
Waking Times – Watch this brilliant short film about people awakening to the reality that their world is falling apart.
Waking Times – Watch this brilliant short film about people awakening to the reality that their world is falling apart.
Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times We’re approaching Mother’s Day – another commercial holiday in the U.S. about which we can have mixed feelings. The marketing encourages everyone to give attention to their mom, and talk to her, spend money on her, or if she has left this physical plane, to think of her and miss …
Josh Richardson – The role of the Fibonacci sequence in the growth of plants is an intriguing example of the unifying order behind all creation.
Catherine J. Frompovich – Well, if there ever were a vaccine that should scare the living daylights out of everyone, it is the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine.
Meme – This image reveals how media and the pharmaceutical industries feed off each other to achieve vaccination compliance and medical obedience from the public, with no actual proof that vaccinations work.
Christina Sarich – Having a government agency decide whether or not you should vaccinate your child is highly questionable at best.
Ida Lawrence – A growing number of people are turning their attention to the inside. Are you one of them?
Tanaaz – Deciphering which spiritual sense is your strongest can help you tune in and strengthen your intuition more. Here’s how to find out what is your spiritual gift.
Dylan Charles – Masters of Chi are the stuff of legend, and their secrets are no longer so closely guarded in the Shaolin temples of China.
Video – Two of the world’s most important spiritual texts from the past: the Egyptian and the Tibetan “Books of the Dead” and the teachings they share.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – We’re the only creature capable of advanced thought, yet we quibble at the thought of being more imaginative…
Video – Ex-senior policy adviser at the Department of Education shares how government policies have affected the quality of American education and how public schooling has evolved.
Video – Breathtaking animation of the Fibonacci sequence in all of its glory.
Nick Jankel – This battle is a battle for ideas — the beliefs and values that govern how the entire world works.
Video – A Briton accused of hacking into NASA and US military computer networks has spoken out about his experiences and findings regarding UFOs.
Video – In August 2001, two new crop circles were reported near the Chilbolton radio telescope in Hampshire, UK, which are believed to answer the Arecibo message sent in 1974.
Wes Annac – Maybe we can change the way we see spiritual teachers.
Kevin Curran – In 2007, a team of twenty-four scientists presented evidence that massive comet fragments exploded over North America 12,850 years ago, killing millions of creatures and people.
Frank M. Wanderer – The book of our life stretches between the two end points, and this book is the chronicle of our wanderings.
Anna Hunt – Adding protein to a meatless and dairy-free diet is much easier than many people think. Here’s a list of foods packed with protein even vegans can eat.