5 People Changing the World As We Know It
Phillip J. Watt – These conscious leaders are changing the conversation about our future.
Phillip J. Watt – These conscious leaders are changing the conversation about our future.
Justin Faerman – If you desire to become truly happy, you will need to examine unconscious baggage.
Michael Forrester – Is a violent revolution inevitable? Think again.
Zen Gardner – The Universe attests to the eventual downfall of any and all controlling mechanisms.
Bernie Suarez – How to end a century of lies and mass mind manipulation ushered in by one man…
Paul Mason – Capitalism is failing, so how do we visualize the transition ahead?
Video – What do we really know about addiction and how to cure it?
Zen Gardner – Humanity is quite creative when it comes to abdicating its power and authority.
Patrick Henningsen – Hollywood is the land of illusion, and this faux reality is amplified throughout society.
Phil Watt – Science is taking a serious look at the extraordinary psychic human experiences.
Georgi Y. Johnson – Are you confined in a physical body and limited by your physical senses?
Zen Gardner – This is a great time be alive…but not a good time to be asleep.
Amy L. Lansky – The “orbs” that many people are capturing in digital photographs may be what the Buddhists call tulpas.
Julian Rose – Why do so many feel that it is enough just to recognise the symptoms, but take no part in prescribing a cure?
Frank M. Wanderer – Is it true that positive thinking can free us?
Video – If each one of us treats trash the way this woman does, what type of world would we live in?
Video – A short video about waking up from the illusion of separation and discovering that love is the very fabric that creates you and this universe.
Luminita Saviuc – The wisdom of the ancient sage Confucious.
Frank M. Wanderer – Our world appears in the space of Consciousness, and the dance of the varied forms takes place in it.
Jason Gregory – The spiritual seeker and esoteric student travel through three planes of growth.