Spirituality vs. Consumerism
Kingsley L. Dennis – The inner evolutionary journey is not a shopping list of abilities and spiritual practices.
Kingsley L. Dennis – The inner evolutionary journey is not a shopping list of abilities and spiritual practices.
Marie D Jones & Larry Flaxman – Can we travel between different worlds and different timelines?
Stephen Parato – All you need to know to realize that you’re free to be yourself and always have been.
Julian Rose – Humans are being altered and transformed into something not at all human.
Catherine J. Frompovich – Take a look at the actual facts about vaccines and vaccine safety.
Irwin Ozborne – In the year 2015, less than half the people in America believe the official 9/11 Commission to be true.
Vic Bishop – What is the the first part of life’s journey and the last were integrated?
Kyle McMillan – Words are the building blocks of reality. Here are 17 beautiful words that you definitely need to know.
Waking Times – This festival celebrates the most wonderful creatures on the planet.
Julian Rose – We can search of real food, real farmers and a real life, or drown in a sea of pseud-foods
Image – This striking picture of drying droplets shows a clear Fibonacci pattern in water.
Phillip J. Watt – The proof that we are overcoming our programmindg and conditioning.
Dylan Charles – Training and developing the major energy centers of the body will change your life.
Frank M. Wanderer – The revolution of our time is the revolution of the Consciousness.
Makia Freeman – Health fads come and go, some is this a figment of imagination?
Ida Lawrence – In a war between truth and lie, which one can be crushed and which one is eternal?
Zen Gardner – Let’s wake up. It’s time for Plan B.
The wisdom of Luther Standing Bear was an Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Chief.
Jay Dyer – The Matrix operates on multiple levels, from the conspiratorial/geo-political, to the psychological, to the metaphysical.
Makia Freeman – As the mainstream pushes him into the limelight, we ask, who is Jeb Bush, really?