Who’s Your Scarecrow?
Zen Gardner – The master’s illusion is crahing down all aorund us.
Zen Gardner – The master’s illusion is crahing down all aorund us.
Christina Sarich – The legacy of the original ‘Medicine God’ in a time when ‘war’ is practiced through medicine.
Marco Torres – Pharmaceutical companies will soon increase their earnings even more, once aging becomes a disease.
Inge Kuijper – The evolution of our changing relationship with nature and plants.
Jennifer Sodini – While enjoying $5 lattes, most people are completley unaware of the hidden meaning in the Starbucks logo.
Leif Davenport – More research into the power of consciousness. Where are our thoughts leading us?
Zen Gardner – True history in any form is a living one.
Frank M. Wanderer – There are 3 different levels in the development of consciousness.
Zen Gardner – The journey to enlightenment is paved with a lot of stuff.
Anna Hunt – Researchers reveal how driving under the influence of cannabis stacks up to driving after drinking alcohol.
Phillip J. Watt – The world’s money has been controlled by a wealthy families for too long.
Phillip J. Watt – As the powers that be fight to keep a failing system alive, a new one is growing up in its place.
Makia Freeman – When you take a close look at the moon, you end up with more questions than answers.
Jay Dyer – From the vantage point of propaganda, the state finds the alien mythos to be quite a useful tool.
Kingsley L. Dennis – People cannot be fully trusted to say and do what they think is right if others around them are all expressing an opposite opinion.
Vic Bishop – In In Pähni Nature Centre in the beautiful woods of Estonia an artist has designed something that should be a feature in every national park.
Chris Carter – Leading skeptical psychologist admits that the evidence for telepathy is so good that “by the standards of any other area of science, [telepathy] is proven.”
Jay Dyer – Stanley Kubrick’s journey into space was a breakthough in film, but what does it say about the human condition?
Vic Bishop – Few celebrities today have the courage to challenge one of America’s founding myths.
Media – If you look outside on September 27, 2015, you might catch a glimpse of a very rare and special event in the night sky – a supermoon lunar eclipse.