Police Dept. Calls Out Big Pharma, Helps Drug Addicts Instead of Jailing
Christina Sarich – Maybe this is really how to handle the ‘drug war.’
Christina Sarich – Maybe this is really how to handle the ‘drug war.’
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Transitioning into the fifth world is transforming fear into courage.
Brendan D. Murphy – Conspiracy theorists used to be accepted as normal.
Wes Annac – An encouragement of liberation from the distractions, desires and habits of the mind by one of the greatest spiritual teachers.
Tim Boucher – We may all be created equal, but what do we do after that?
Brendan D. Murphy – A clear indication of the human ability to peer into domains beyond the senses.
Ryan Mandell – It is incredibly easy for your energetic body to become disturbed and imbalanced.
Jon Rappoport – Are we creating a machine culture as a result of massive conformity?
Mitch Horowitz – Just where did Edgar Cayce’s “insights” come from?
Zen Gardner – Our warfare is primarily spiritual. Yet spirituality manifests in many ways, and much of it is informational.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – This is Philosophy’s Double-edged Sword…
Valerie Tarico – Why might members of the Satanic Temple find it easier than Christians to follow some teachings of Jesus?
Sayer Ji – Modern science is only beginning to catch up to the wisdom of the ancients: plants possess sentience and a rudimentary form of intelligence.
Soren Dreier – Dharma is the ancient word for our intention in this life. Life’s path – life´s purpose. It holds the ‘why are you here’ answer.
Elva Thompson – The Winter Solstice is approaching; a time of dark sleep and mystery.
Gustavo Tanaka – Most of us haven’t quite realized there are something extraordinary things happening.
Cortland Pfeffer & Irwin Ozborne – Christmas has become symbolic of all that is wrong with our society.
Zen Gardner – It seems things change more than we think – way more and in more ways.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Answers are fine as long as they’re stepping-stones toward better questions.
Frank M. Wanderer – A tiny seed of Truth is found in every human being.