Search Results for "julian rose"

Activists Disagree On Legitimacy Of Poland’s GM Crop Ban

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times The recent news of a Polish ban on GM Crops was celebrated by some activists and supported by Greenpeace International, but, a vocal and well-organized grass roots organization in Poland, the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside, (ICPPC) has been crying foul. Not only do these grass roots

Poland’s GM Crop Ban – Nothing More Than Classic Political Deception

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times Earlier this week we reported a victory for anti-GMO activists when it was announced that Poland banned GM crops under new legislation. “The North-Eastern European country, Poland, has become the latest EU nation to ban the production of genetically modified (GM) crops, although, the European Food Safety Authority has approved GM

From Immaculate Conception to Genetic Deception

Julian Rose, Contributing Writer Waking Times The Christ consciousness with which humanity is endowed, and which took physical form in Jesus Christ some 2,000 years ago, is a revolutionary gift. It has the power to transform, to heal and to penetrate the darkness with light.  However, it is a gift which still remains largely sealed

Birthing the Divine Warrior

Julian Rose, Guest Writer Waking Times These are testing times. There is little doubt that the malevolent forces currently holding sway over our world are doing their damnedest to keep the lid on the rising tide of consciousness which will ultimately depose them. The effect is tangible; as though a block is attempting to be

No Time Left – The Dynamics of the New Resistance

Julian Rose Waking Times By all accounts time is speeding up and space-time is contracting. As we move further into 2012 this phenomenon is almost palpable. Just where do the hours and days go? Terence McKenna, the late psychedelics-inspired luminary, spoke of an imminent convergence of time-lines that would bring about a ‘singularity’ event: the
