Search Results for "julian rose"

You May Wake Up… But Will You Get Out of Bed?

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Each one of us came here with a purpose. Either we decided, or a higher being decided on our behalf, that our spirit would attach to a particular physical body which would manifest itself through the act of conjugation between a particular man and a particular woman. Well yes, you

The Eleventh Hour – Decision Time

R. Teichmann, Contributor Waking Times It is a well-known fact in biology that pressures of an existential nature on a species result in two possible outcomes. The first outcome is that the species evolves. It adapts by way of biological evolution to the new conditions and survives. The second is that the species does not

Brave New Year

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times “We can, if we so desire, refuse to cooperate with the blind forces that are propelling us.” –Aldous Huxley So here we are, moving into 2014. And no doubt with that sense of expectancy and promise which comes with all ‘New Years’. But maybe also with that nagging sense which

At The Point of No Return

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times The wrong people are in charge… that’s pretty obvious. But what is not so obvious is how they got there? And once having found an open gate, why have we left them to graze the best pastures while we grovel around in the barren fallow? A very strange phenomenon… This World

Reverse Engineering The Illuminati Mind Set – Part II

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Click here for Part I of this essay, ‘On the Inside of Darkness.’ ‘Remember, you came here with a purpose’ In the first essay under this title, we took a voyage into the heart of a microcosmic ‘black hole’ in order to explore the inner workings of the Illuminati mind

Reverse Engineering the Illuminati Mind Set

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Pt.1 ‘On the Inside of Darkness’ When a US army drone got on the wrong side of the Iranian border a year or two ago, some clever hackers found a way into its coded electronics and guided it down to earth. From there it was “taken into custody” by Iranian

A Great Turning

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Autumn is a wonderful season especially for those sensitive to the pulls exerted by the Earth’s core. That means those ready to be pulled downwards. Those who do not resist the binding of all disparate energies recalled to the source during ‘The Fall’. Here is where we find ourselves again. In

A Phoenix Rising

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times “There’s a battle outside and it’s ragin, it’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls, for the times they are a’ changin’” The historical evidence points to the fact that, when faced by extreme adversity, many cultures of the world finally start proving their true worth. It simply seems

Transhumanist Bankers Plan Robotic Future

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times “In the Future – Nature and Technology Will Work as One” International airports in Britain greet arrivals and departures with the letters ‘HSBC’ and the words “The World’s Bank” plastered boldly over plane docking bays and passenger corridors. For those not in the know HSBC is “A British multinational banking

Is It Possible – Or Even Desirable – To Be Mentally Prepared For Apocalypse?

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times It should be very clear by now, to most thoughtful people, that we are well down the road of engineered collapse. Some might argue that we are already in the manifestation of ‘the end of days’. It’s not important. What is important is to recognize that a combination of political corruption,

When the Odds Seem Overwhelming: De-constructing the Great Normal

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times The awakening process has it’s deeply cathartic moments. That is inevitable. It’s a bumpy road. As we gain insight into the grand deceptions of the matrix, so the direction of our own lives is thrown into greater relief. The choices become more stark. There’s no longer any compromising middle ground

Asserting the Power of Non Compliance

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times If we are strictly honest with ourselves we can see that, despite our rantings and ravings against the ever more stark injustices dished out by the status quo, it is we who provide it with the fuel that keeps us repressed and in servitude. It is we who are complicit in

Tweeting Our Way to Oblivion

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times People behaving like birds should mark a step forward in the evolutionary capacity of the human race. After all, birds sing melodiously at dawn and dusk, swoop majestically in the open sky, and build their nests using only their beaks. I doubt that most humans could build such nests even using

World On The Brink

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times The Western World is on the brink. That means the whole World is. An energy like no other is coursing through the veins of those who have opened their hearts and minds and is producing an energy ‘return’ that is steadily undermining even the best laid plans of the scheming global elite.

Ecocide or We Decide?

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times When you take a closer look at it, you see that the choices we make each day of our lives add up to the grand price that nature must pay in her role as the sustainer of life on this planet. What do I mean by that? Well, it’s simple

Civil Disobedience or Death by Design

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Friends. How much time do we have left? By my clock it’s five minutes past midnight. We are into unchartered territory. Territory where only bravery and vision can hope to cut through the torpor and stupor which is bringing about the designed obsolescence of the human race and the transgenic

Sex and Spirituality

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Now then – sex and the spirit! The verb sense: sex as an act, primarily of procreation. The noun sense: sex as that which is duality: male and female. Duality which is the essence of movement. Movement which is everything. Is that a fair start? Spirit: the essence of essence.

Quit the Matrix – Build the Ark

Julian Rose, Contributing Writer Waking Times Once one has got a reasonable handle on ‘what’s wrong’ the next step involves putting into place something ‘that feels right’. Not so easy. But essential of course – and in many respects a natural process of follow-through,  without which, knowing ‘what’s wrong’ gradually fades away. Until there are

He Who Isn’t Busy Being Born…

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times “He who isn’t busy being born is busy dying.” –Bob Dylan You know the expression, “Rightful Indignation”? Well that’s a fire which we must not put out. “Rightful anger” is a direct extension of rightful indignation. It is a burning sensation in the chest and heart and it is a

Selfish Self Consciousness vs. Consciousness of the Self

Julian Rose, Guest Writer Waking Times  Throughout the past three to four decades, putting ourselves in the foreground and just about everything else in the background has become ‘the new normal’ for millions of well-off Westerners and followers of Western fashions. This has had three outstanding affects: firstly, it has contributed to a huge increase
