Search Results for "julian rose"

The Subjugation of the Creator

Julian Rose – Those in pursuit of power are seldom satisfied. They always want more. In a seemingly never ending act of compulsive consumption, they seek to dominate or destroy all that stands in the way of their thirst for power.

Thinking: A Criminal Act?

Julian Rose – We can all play our part in countering this world-wide attempt to suffocate the voice of truth and to replace it with a global ministry of lies.

 Sedation by Sound Bite

Julian Rose – Millions upon millions of educated – and even aware people, all over the world, are succumbing to a new virus ‘SBS’, or ‘Sound-Bite Syndrome’.

Is Europe About to Lose the Fight Against GMO’s?

Julian Rose – A determined effort by all of us, who care about real food and real farming, will be needed to stop one of the most insidious attempts yet to end Europe’s widespread resistance to genetically modified organisms…

The Fear of Fear: How To Beat It

Julian Rose – “Be wary of those who claim that fear is ‘an illusion’. It is not. We cannot ‘escape’ fear by pretending it doesn’t exist.”

Spinning the Web of Life

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Spiders do it. Take a look – oh what an amazing creation! Working their way out from the first circle; filling-in every loop of the circuit; spinning on the outward pull; determined, full of intention, guided by Divine. So my friends, why can’t we? Look at that final creation on

Why Humanity Must Come Through

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Need I say it, we are living in – and through – an apocalyptic time. Disintegration and destruction manifest at an accelerating pace as our World is buffeted by a jumbled combination of opposing energies: the distorted man made toxic ones as well as the universal vibratory waves that are

Seizing Control of Our Destinies

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times In 1381, at a time of great repression for the British agricultural work force, an extraordinary people’s revolutionary named Wat Tyler sprang to his feet and announced, “England should be a nation of self governing communities,” to which he added, “ No lord shall exercise lordship over the people, and,

The Anatomy of Cyborg Man

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times In ‘The Transhumanist Singularity – The Ultimate Escapism’, I attempted to address the supposedly imminent take-over of humanity by a computer controlled technology designed by people who have usurped their free will to that of a machine. It became evident in researching the background to the Transhumanist agenda, that not

Transhumanist Singularity – The Ultimate Escapist Agenda

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Bare with me, for this may not be an easy read – but we need to crack the code of this much discussed vainglorious chimera. Which is not to say it doesn’t exist – it does. Yet it exists as a by-product of minds that operate in a sub human

The Future Is the Farmer

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times At a farmer’s fair in Krakow, South Poland, in early May, I spoke to a Romanian peasant. He was demonstrating clay pot making using a foot treadle to spin the plate upon which the pots were being formed by his deft hands. I remarked how attractive I found this technology

“Why Can’t We?” – A Dialogue on Effecting Change

Julian Rose and Zen Gardner, Guests Waking Times Editor’s Note: This is a recent exchange between two activists, Julian Rose and Zen Gardener, regarding a mutual desire to find more effective ways to precipitate more active participation in bringing about the much needed changes we all wish to see manifested. Julian: Well  Zen,  it seems we

The World Is Our Garden – Defend It or Lose It

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times When we walk into a carefully nurtured and diverse garden, we are struck by its beauty and its sense of completeness. We are enraptured by its scents and its mysteries. We are enlivened by its colours, both vivid and subtle, and we are nourished by the freshness that fills our

Echo of the Primitive

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Between them, the upward aspiration of the Spirit and the pull of the Earth exert the two most fundamental influences on our lives. Strip away all the paraphernalia of modern life and the raw energies of these two forces take hold of us, opening up our latent powers. What might appear

8 Steps to Constructing the New Reality

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times We who engage in postulating solutions to the dominant issues of this time, use much energy speculating on unknown outcomes. But how much energy do we use in laying the ground for a future of our own making? How much time do we give to devising the template for the

Is England Going Under?

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times That is maybe a rhetorical question, so I will not so much ask as state ‘England is going under’. And while that may be taken metaphorically, I mean it more actually. Great swathes of the Country are slowly drowning under a relentless rainfall that is part and parcel of an

The Challenge of Eternal Life

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Eternal Life: a promise which has always seemed, well .. let’s say.. somewhat out of reach.. But then, whoever was it who told us that such a state might be attainable to Earth bound mortals? I’m not sure – was it Jesus? And then, would any of us actually consider

Now You’re in Charge

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Like others fortunate enough to have time to read, reflect and absorb the information put out on sites like this, you have no doubt acquired a pretty reasonable grasp of what’s going on in the World. Yet this knowledge comes with a certain proviso – it gives you a greater
