Steiner & the Blood Demons
Jason Heppenstall – Did the esoteric philosopher and clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner warn us over a century ago when he said a ‘vaccine’ would be the delivery system for the defeat of humanity?
Jason Heppenstall – Did the esoteric philosopher and clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner warn us over a century ago when he said a ‘vaccine’ would be the delivery system for the defeat of humanity?
Dylan Charles – The thoughts in your head will create the body you have.
Marie Jones – The world of non-lethal weaponry has opened the door to technologies that allow the control of one’s mind, thoughts, actions, and behaviours.
Dylan Charles
– The human condition is one of slavery, where bondage is psychological and spiritual rather than physical.
Kingsley L. Dennis – What we choose to buy is generally a decision based on a selection of limited choice.
Brandon Smith – Real mind control is not about torture and force, it is about quietly induced acceptance.
Kingsley Dennis – The more I observe external events unfolding, the more I perceive predictive programming at work.
Dylan Charles – Never forget what people are capable of doing and becoming when influenced by scientifically engineered mass propaganda.
Dylan Charles – In our quest for more knowledge we seek the comfort and sense of security we think we can find by knowing that we’re not alone.
Kingsley Dennis – It is difficult for humans to accept that great change and shifts come about through breakdown, and what appears as destruction.
Dylan Charles – Most people are not shamans. They are not sages or gurus or ascetics. They are not masters or spiritual leaders or even thought leaders.
Dylan Charles – If you can relate it means your spirit has taken a beatdown in this wildly chaotic, confusing, frustrating and dysfunctional society we live in.
Kingsley L. Dennis – We are tasked, in these times, to assist these ‘vibrations of Truth and Harmony’ and to help them to push their way through the resistance.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – It’s finally time to crush that outdated sheep’s box with your mighty lion’s paw.
Kingsley L. Dennis – The more a person comes under the powers of this world, the less a person can act from an inner place of personal and spiritual will.
Dylan Charles – The immaterial things which make our lives truly worth something are systematically debased by the culture of exploitation and superficiality built up all around us.
Dylan Charles – If enrolling the whole world in a homogenized, centrally-managed, mono-culture slave plantation was put to vote, it wouldn’t happen.
Dylan Charles – The only thing that can save any of us is if all us remember who we are.
Dylan Charles – If you let them have their way with your mind, you’ll end up as a pawn for the oligarchs and a prison guard for your neighbor.
Kingsley Dennis – Philosophers, artists, and scientists have been debating for centuries the questions concerning human consciousness: what it is and how it emerges.