The First People
Zakaria Bziker – These mysterious first people are remembered by ancients as ‘gods’; the people that first engineered societies leaving baffling traces on earth…
Zakaria Bziker – These mysterious first people are remembered by ancients as ‘gods’; the people that first engineered societies leaving baffling traces on earth…
Brendan D. Murphy – “Water is central and absolutely essential to the process of every cell in our body….”
Phil Watt – “From a scientific perspective, you might call God the zero-point energy field or the quantum field of possibilities…”
Mark DeNicola – We are all hard wired to not only survive and thrive here on planet Earth, but also to come together and recognize the interconnectedness that we all share…”
Christina Sarich – “Remember the emphasis on the heart. The mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in trust. When you trust, suddenly you become centered.”
Marc Oromaner, Contributor Waking Times Enlightenment. The moment we consciously connect to eternal truth. It’s when we see through the veil of this illusionary world, rising above ego, time, materialism, and our own emotions to see the bigger picture—that we are all one. It’s what all gurus, spiritualists, yogis, Buddhists, monks, meditators, shamans, artists, writers, …
Jennifer Deisher, Contributor Waking Times The system we live in is a slow burn into a personal and private prison of negative emotion perpetuated by antiquated ideals in regards to energy, government, and finance. Our society isn’t functioning from a place of teaching us how to live healthy lives and thrive in Wellness, rather we …
Zen Gardener, Guest Waking Times This age old expression is so very true. When trying to forge change in any way, it’s all important to begin to do it when the inspiration comes, not later. Whether talking, writing or taking physical action, the time to act is right when the impulse comes, even if it’s …
V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times “Plasma is the most abundant material in your galaxy, and therefore a desirable energy source. Pyramids contained a Pleiadian technology presently unknown to you, which accessed the Solar Winds for power. The pyramids were strategically placed around the planet and used as collectors to gather the plasma. The Ekur …
V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times “The only way to traverse the vast distances of space is to possess the means of manipulating or altering the very structure of space itself — altering the space-time geometric matrix, which to us provides the illusion of form and distance. The method of achieving this lies in the …
Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times What is the power of intention? Moreover, what does it mean to connect to the power of intention? In this article we will not explore what intention is exactly, because I don’t believe anybody can really know that. However, we can most definitely use intention and experience it directly for …
Richard J. O’Neill, Guest Waking Times Why Are We so Different from the Other Species? Are humans Alien to This Planet? There are U.F.O sightings and E.T. encounters all over the world every day but despite this fact most of us are still on the fence in regards to whether or not aliens actually do …
Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” – Nikola Tesla Inner silence is the key to penetrating this core of knowledge in …
Nicholas West, Guest Waking Times Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. Throughout space there is energy. — Nikola Tesla, 1892 Nikola Tesla is finally beginning to attract real attention and encourage serious debate nearly 70 years after his death. Was he for …
Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times In our universe, everything is energy. And there is no division in that energy; it is formless, infinitely dense, and available at every point in the universe in unlimited quantities. Therefore, what is consciousness? And what is the origin of consciousness? If everything is energy then there is no solidity anywhere, and …
Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times If I had to explain Nassim Haramein’s work and try to describe his Holofractographic Universe Theory (HFU) to a person who had never heard of it before, or who was questioning it’s validity, I would begin with the scaling law for organized matter. This scaling law to me is as close …
Mado, Guest Waking Times Aliens Abduct Egos, Not Souls Contactees boast of their special relationship with STO (Service-to-Others) aliens. Abductees claim that they are forcefully taken, then physically and psychologically abused by STS (Service-to-Self) aliens. Milabs (military abduct-tees) receive similar treatments from black project personnel. Specialists tell us that millions of humans are presently involved …
Alex Putney, Guest Waking Times Lascaux Cave, in southern France, comprises a series of linked subterranean galleries with several large, colorful murals painted by highly skilled Paleolithic artists over 18,000 years ago. The cave entrance was discovered and cleared in 1940 to reveal exquisite galleries in an extraordinary state of preservation. Decay due to moisture and …
Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times “Time is just a construct of the universe to keep everything from happening all at once.” – John Archibald Wheeler John Archibald Wheeler was one of the physics giants of the 20th century, and was a colleague of Einstein’s. But what if everything is happening all at once? Moreover, what if …
Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince, New Dawn Waking Times Stephen Hawking famously ended his 1988 bestseller A Brief History of Time with the statement that, if and when physics finds its long-sought grand unified field theory “we would know the mind of God.”1 Although since then he has reportedly regretted the phrase, and famously announced in 2010 that …