Real Freedom Through Food and Water Self-Sufficiency

Paul A. Phillips, Guest
Waking Times 

One of the many brutal truths about humans is that although it’s something we cannot do without, most of us are quite ignorant when it comes to knowing how our food and water is obtained. Spending very little time with nature, many of us have practically no knowledge of how to achieve food and water self-sufficiency.

We have allowed ourselves to become a mutant race: A major reason for our disconnection from Mother Nature and the resulting inability to be self-sufficient is that we have become overly dependent and taken over by electronics. We have become brainwashed into eking out our narrow everyday existences forever hooked into computers, TV’s, cell phones, mp3’s and ‘smart’ (dumb) technologies, threatening our health and wellbeing…

Put another way, we live in an electronic concentration camp where lawless statist control freak governments use and abuse their power through electronically hacking and spying on us, as confirmed by recent Wikileaks revelations.

-But there is an alternative way of life

In recent years a number of practical, innovative methodologies for cultivating and harvesting food and water have arisen. These small setups have allowed individuals and groups to be independent and self-sufficient.

  • They offer healthier alternative lifestyles to our electronic-based daily existences allowing us to connect to Mother Nature. Further, they provide alternatives to the big food and big agricultural corporate-based profit-driven owned and controlled industrial monocultures with their health and life-threatening toxins:

    These food and agricultural mega-corporations with their mass-produced junk foods, synthetic pesticide toxins and genetically modified crops causing diseases and allergies, threatening species diversity and ecosystems… have failed to save the world. -If allowed to go on they could bring disastrous consequences for all of us.

    Self-sufficiency through local farming

    In contrast, a healthier natural-based alternative exists in the form of local farming. These small-scale operations made up of organic farms have shown great promise: With the adaptive and innovative skill sets acquired by their farmers for self-sufficiency, local farms are increasing exponentially in numbers all over the world.

    They provide solutions for ending the ‘war on poverty,’ as recognized by governments who have helped with their development through funding. However, Big Food and Big Agriculture realize that local farms are a threat to their businesses and have persuaded governments to reduce funds.

    Because of this, local farming pioneers know that they have a fight on their hands. If food freedom is to be achieved through thriving local farms then it’s necessary to fight the big corporations. Stop them from influencing politicians and persuade governments to provide more funding, otherwise the ‘war on poverty’ will be a complete farce.

    Permaculture gardening and food communities

    Harmonizing with nature, permaculture is another eco-friendly way of living. More than just gardening and farming, all the necessary  resources including water, health provisions, soil, building infrastructure… are provided for local community based living. If one resource is missing then another community can provide it. No one becomes isolated, lonely, poverty-stricken, hungry or homeless…

    Thus, unlike the corporate and government based ways with their pyramid power structures focussing on competition, this new paradigm approach is flat, having no hierarchy and focuses on cooperation.

    -For more on permaculture gardening and food communities go, here.

    Biodynamic Organic Farming

    As with local farms and permaculture communities, biodynamic farming produces organic food free from GMO’s and toxins found in herbicides, fungicides and pesticides. However, what makes biodynamic farming different is that it doesn’t use outside fertilizers. It has to produce its own compost and nutrient-based fertility, and has done this quite efficiently.

    Further, unlike the others, it works on a number of principles originated by Rudolph Steiner: For efficient yields it may take into account the astrological positions and cycles of the moon and stars. For example, it has been said that a full moon is the best time for harvesting. In contrast, a new moon is the best time for planting… Other techniques include enriching the soil with various preparations such as cow’s manure and mineral solutions to promote good soil health.

    Although there is much scepticism, lack of supporting scientific evidence for its claims, biodynamic farming has increased exponentially in recent times. It has grabbed the attention and interests of a number of pro-organic companies… Some have described it as the new organic farming.

    Rainwater harvesting

    The benefits of drinking frequent and regular supplies of good clean water for maintaining optimum health are numerous. However, over the years, the quality of our water supplies has deteriorated.

    For examples, rivers in the USA have been found to have high levels of pesticide and herbicide chemicals from nearby farming industry, as in the case of the river and other water supplies in Iowa. High toxicity in the form of cancer and hormone disrupting industrial chemicals has leached out into our drinking water supplies in many places across the nation. Disintegrating infrastructure has also contributed to the toxicity. Take for instance, the lead poisoning case in Flint, Michigan. Then there’s the ill-health caused by fluoride in the water and pollution through fracking…

    As a solution a number of people have chosen to use water purification or filtration systems, such as reverse osmosis. That’s fine, but what happens if the electricity supply is disrupted? What if there was a long-term power cut..?

    -To get ‘round this and sidestep the municipal water woes, an Arizona based man has invented what he and his family call a jerry-rigged rainwater harvesting system. Involving various infrastructure including gutters, downspouts, drains, pipes and a series of large polythene tanks, the system manages to collect rainwater which supplies 95% of the family’s water needs. –That’s quite an achievement when considering that the family live close to the desert, giving them only about 12 inches of rain over a year.

    The layout can be seen in this video starting at 2:40 in. Or go here for how it works.


    Final Thoughts

    As the saying goes ‘necessity is the mother of invention.’ Adaptive and innovative methodologies for food and water self-sufficiency not only gives us the opportunity for going back to our roots and living the simpler life, but also serves to prepare for uncertain times to come.

    About the Author

    Paul A. Philips is the author of

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    This article (Real Freedom Through Food and Water Self-Sufficiency) was originally created and published by and is re-posted here with permission. 
