Search Results for zen gardner

Slipping Into The Cosmos

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times You might be feeling a strange sensation lately – like slipping into other realms of thought, perspective or consciousness. It can be manifest in very mundane incidents, and it can be very perceptually profound. It’s not easy to identify, never mind classify. Nevertheless, the shift is on and it’s hitting

Godzilla – The Mutant Reptilian Release Valve

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times This convoluted new movie “Godzilla” just wreaks of fear, confusion and social programming. It’s being regaled as some sort of anti global warming alarmism movie, but it’s really about allaying anyone’s concerns about geoengineering and the nuclear madness humanity is being bombarded with, along with everything else they’re perpetrating. According

“Why Can’t We?” – A Dialogue on Effecting Change

Julian Rose and Zen Gardner, Guests Waking Times Editor’s Note: This is a recent exchange between two activists, Julian Rose and Zen Gardener, regarding a mutual desire to find more effective ways to precipitate more active participation in bringing about the much needed changes we all wish to see manifested. Julian: Well  Zen,  it seems we

An Introduction to Awakening

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times The waking up process is a very personal experience. Once we become aware of the existence of a fabricated world we thought to be real and that our true nature is anything but what we’ve been told, there’s no turning back. It may appear to be a lonely path, but

On the Eve of Construction

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times I love the sound of construction. I always have. Not the industrial sound from the kind of massive, offensive structures made with other-worldly looking machines, but the intentional, gentle kind. Small structures going up, improvements on homes, road repairs, even tending to gardens whether it’s tree pruning or small rearrangements.

The Beginning Is Near

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times We have free will, a majestic gift of choice coupled with conscious awareness at a level that seems to be unique to creation. All of creation has its own vibrational attributes, but humanity has been gifted in a very special way. Whether we utilize this gift consciously or not appears

The Venezuela Gambit – Engineered Portal to Latin America?

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times Previous attempts to overthrow the dynamic anti-Imperialist Hugo Chavez over a decade ago failed. Now that they have surgically removed Chavez, they’re feverishly back to their dirty tricks, activating their agents, moles and agent provocateurs ready and willing to act at the behest of the Oligarchs. On March 6 of 2013

Assumption Consumption and How We’ve Been Sold

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times There’s a closing technique in sales that is known as the “assume close”, as in the closing of a sale, the ultimate objective of the salesman. This is very powerful and falls in line with the ideas of affirmation and visualization, but is even more subtly subversive as a social-psychological

Kicking Stones – Clearing the Pathway for Others

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times I’ve had a habit for many years, as I’m sure many others have, of clearing paths that I travel by foot. I can’t help it. I kick stones out of the way, clear branches, whatever I happen upon. It only makes sense and I’ve never thought anything of it. I

It’s Time to Banish Hope and Belief

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times Here’s a good exercise that will help alter your conscious awareness and put punch and clarity where slosh once existed. Don’t even use the words “hope” or “believe”. Every time you’re tempted to say, write or even think these debilitating, nebulous concepts, replace “I hope” or “I believe” with “I

Step Aside and Reverse the Flow

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times There’s a very strange vibe that’s hit the past few days. Maybe I’m just overly sensitive to these things and it can often be personal situations, but I’m hearing it being echoed from several quarters. We’ve been discussing this at home as we’ve been hit strongly with experiencing this same

Transcending the Negative

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times The world has gone insane, clearly. People simply react to whatever is put before them. But this is only apparent if you’re watching. The degree of insanity we’re witnessing has broken all previous boundaries yet it continues to be portrayed as “normal”. The interesting phenomenon to watch is when personal

Demolition Planet – Awaken and Rise

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times There comes a time when a coming convergence becomes apparent. But when it spells a very probable major cataclysm people are not too eager to see it. But see it we must. And sound the alarm we must…as well as prepare. Funny how that’s another thing “they” minimize and belittle.

Not Without Our Consent

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times Nothing happens without our permission. In one way or another, consciously and/or subconsciously, we give our approval or disapproval by our actions, words and intentions. Over time our accountability increases. A mad world swirls around us in this manifestation with our inherent agreement. Without our complicit cooperation in support of

Manifesting the Mystic Morphic Field

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times There was an interesting article recently about researchers who found within the computer informational field what appears to be proof of foreknowledge of 9/11. The huge spike in chatter regarding the events immediately prior to the strikes is completely anomalous. In other words, it goes on to say, for it to

We Are Never Abandoned

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times We will never be left alone. We are always embraced by Universe. The prime example is Gaia, our living earth. Even she will never let us go. Something to think about. Not only are we never alone, we are amongst an energetic Universe of continually renewing, all embracing life. While

History Is Always Now

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times One of the most crippling methodologies of the controlling forces is locking humanity into cleverly devised contexts where the power of Now loses its importance. If we see social and economic events, not as urgent issues to be aware of and consciously dealt with, but rather filed away from action

Truth Apnea

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times It’s amazing how starved for truth such an informationally soaked world can be. But here we are. Sleep apnea, or discontinued, interrupted breathing during sleep, is a terrible condition for anyone, often requiring the assistance of breathing machines. It’s a relatively new affliction to our times often having to do with

The Division of Humanity by Humanity

Heather Rodgers, Love Responds Waking Times The strategy of Divide and Conquer has been used throughout history almost every time there is one group that wants to dominate or defeat another group. It has been a tried and true strategy for generals on the battlefield to assist in winning wars. The same strategy has been

Thinking Outside the Hourglass

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times This imposed artificial time constraint is a very subtle one, especially when you realize everything depends on perspective. We’re clearly experiencing a manipulated, illusory cycle of time with parameters that make us feel contained, limited. And that’s the intent. Closing in on your prey is an ingrained predatory behavior. If

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