Search Results for fluoride

The Effects Of Television On Humans

Hassam – While controversy continues to surround the way the content screen media affects our thoughts and behaviour, a growing body of empirical evidence is indicating that watching television causes physiological changes.

10 Things to Throw Away for Better Health

Dr. Mercola – Each and every day, you come into contact with a large number of items—many of which have health risks that can accumulate over time.

Fracking Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades

Aaron Dykes & Melissa Melton – Unearthed articles from the 1960s detail how nuclear waste was buried beneath the Earth’s surface by Halliburton & Co. for decades as a means of disposing the by-products of post-World War II atomic energy production.

Chemtrail Source Material Finally Unveiled

Catherine J. Frompovich – Finally, the base material of chemtrails sprayed from airplanes—both government and commercial—in the atmosphere, has been identified…

Are Children Medicated for Convenience, or Necessity?

Dr. Mercola – The diagnosis of mental illness in children is far from an exact science. Modern psychiatry has expanded its reach to the point that even the most normal of emotions and mental states are now labeled as one “disorder” or another.

5 Trends You Will Intensify in 2015

Marco Torres & Michael Forrester – Those who want change are putting their neck out and standing up for what they believe in. Others are satisfied with following the blind…

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