Search Results for chi energy

Suppressed Scientific Evidence Proves Free Energy Source Dating Back 25,000 Years

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times  A monumental discovery with four years of comprehensive geo-archaeological research has failed to reach mainstream audiences for some reason. The most active pyramid site in the world dating the pyramid complex back 25,000 years has also released scientific evidence supporting the theory that the pyramids were used as an

Pesticides May Increase Risk of ADHD in Children

Margie King, Green Med Info Waking Times If you had any lingering doubts, here’s yet another good reason to opt for organic fruits and vegetables when shopping for your family. A team of scientists from the University of Montreal and Harvard University have discovered that exposure to organophosphate pesticides is associated with increased risk of

Chiron – Shaman of the Skies

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times  I talked in ‘Living in an Ensouled Universe’ about the energetic imprint we each receive from the stars (shorthand for Sun, Moon and planets) at our birth, by way of electromagnetic energy affecting our energy fields. As well as our unique natal pattern of cosmic energy, we are each

Can Diet Improve Psychic Ability and Pineal Gland Function?

Mary E. Riposo, PhD, Guest Writer Waking Times We all know that eating right is a good way to maintain your health. Do you remember your mother telling you to “eat your vegetables” when you were a child? We all know that a diet high in raw foods and vegetables is good for our physical

Pachamama – The Divine Feminine Energy

Jeff Anthony, Guest Writer Waking Times Remember when you were a kid, and something bad happened at school or on the playground. All you wanted to do was run home to Mama! Well, maybe it’s time to do that again. You see, now is the time in the development of our collective consciousness that we

When You Have the Right Vibe, It’s Not a Coincidence: Synchronicities, Energy Healing, and Other Strangeness in the Field

Amy L. Lansky, PhD, Reality Sandwich Waking Times The following is excerpted from Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within [1], recently released from R.L.Ranch Press. One piece of evidence for the holographic nature of nonstandard fields that have been proposed in recent years — the zero-point field (a candidate for the unified field [2]), the

The Seven Human Energy Chakras

Zazenking, ZazenLife Waking Times According to the tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, the human body has seven “force centers” or energy focal points that are used for the reception and transmission of energies. These are known as chakras. It is typical for chakras to be depicted as either flower-like or wheel-like centers

Understanding Qigong and Tai Chi

Konstantin Eriksen, Guest Writer Waking Times  Tai chi qigong, and, in fact, all forms of chi kung (chi kung and qigong are the same thing), have deep roots in ancient Chinese philosophy. Their principles can be hard to understand for a lot of Westerners. In this article I’m going to give you a basic overview of

Orgone Energy

Dave R. Gahan, Guest Writer Waking Times This term orgonite derives from “orgone”, the term provided by Wilhelm Reich for essential energy discovered everywhere throughout nature. Also known as “Chi”, “Prana”, “Ether”, “Élan Vital”, or “fifth element”, this vital energy exists in an organic way within a variety of types. It may be neutral (OR),

The Wave of Energy You’ve All Been Waiting For Has Begun: 12-12-12 to 12-21-12

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times Energy and consciousness can neither be destroyed nor created. All that is and all that you are exists for eternity. If it exists, there is no such thing as it not existing. Since there are only transfers of energy, what you perceive as death is simply a portal to

Over 40 Percent of Fukushima Children Have Thyroid Disorders, Officials Not Helping

Lisa Garber, Natural Society Waking Times Not much news on Fukushima crosses the ocean to our side of the globe anymore, but for thousands of Japanese children and evacuees, the suffering is hardly winding down. About 41 percent of 57,000 children have tested positive for early signs of possible thyroid cancer, and four out of

Protecting Your Home With Subtle Energy

Beth Quist, Guest Writer Waking Times  You can use subtle energy (Qi/Life Force Energy) to help protect your home. You can also direct subtle energy to help create an atmosphere of love, peace, and stability in your home. To purge your home of negative energy, you will need some sage, mugwort, or some other dried

Electromagnetic Energy

Electromagnetic Energy Pollution

Electromagnetic energy patterns and vibrations surrounding us and moving through us have a profound effect on our physical bodies.

Tokelau – First Country to Achieve 100% Renewable Solar Power

Staff Writer Waking Times Tokelau, a small country in the middle of the Pacific Ocean created from a chain of islands called “atolls,” has become the first nation to meet all of its electricity needs through renewable solar power. The country is administered by the government of New Zealand, which invested $7 million to transition

The Healing Power of Energy Devices: Is There Such a Thing as Incurable Disease?

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times To understand if incurable diseases exist, we need to understand what a disease is and its main causes. The excerpt below does a good job explaining what a disease is. It is extracted from A disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism. It

Removing Energy Implants

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times The healing of humanity Increasingly people within awakening circles are becoming aware of and speaking out about “energetic implants” in our energy fields. Working with energy implants is indeed something we do during the Openhand course and one-on-one work. Implants are prevalent within most, if not all, awakening people.

The I Ching – A Spiritual Guide

David James Lees, Guest Writer Waking Times  The I Ching, pronounced “ee cheeng“, sometimes written as Yi Jing and also known as The Book of Changes, is an extraordinary classic text. The book is not commonly recognised or discussed in the West, yet surprisingly many people have an old copy tucked away somewhere on their bookshelf or have encountered

Chi, Ki, Prana, Orgone – Utilizing the Life Force

Zen Gardner Waking Times Because the eye gazes and catches no glimpse of it, it is called elusive; Because the ear cannot hear it, it’s called rarified; because the hand cannot feel it, it is called infinitesimal; it’s rising brings no heat, it’s sinking no darkness. It is called CHI. – Tao Te Ching Chi,

Between Awake and Asleep – Achieving Deep Relaxation with Qi Gong

Ramel Rones, David Silver of YMAA Waking Times  Most Eastern arts seek ways for the practitioner to spend more time in a deeply relaxed state, that is, with a meditative mind. This deep level of meditation is an essential step for achievement in all Eastern disciplines: seeking enlightenment (meditation), better performance (Kung Fu), higher quality

Health Benefits of Tai Chi – A Chinese Art

Michael Auryn Waking Times Tai Chi was developed nearly one thousand years ago as a way to enhance the flow of vital energy in the body, with the health benefits of tai chi being one of the main reasons people still practice the technique today. In its earliest days, it was a secret teaching, passed

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