How the Method of Birth Can Influence Lifelong Health
Dr. Mercola – The groundwork for your gut microbiome is laid out at the time of birth.
Dylan Charles – I wrote this post to give inspiration and encouragement for any spiritual seekers out there who are challenged to let go of social and emotional dependency on alcohol.
The latest episode of Battered Souls with author and artist Sol Luckman. Enjoy!
Dr. Mercola – The groundwork for your gut microbiome is laid out at the time of birth.
John Vibes – Missouri peach farmer Bill Bader was awarded $265 million in a lawsuit against Monsanto, the controversial biochemical company that is now owned by Bayer.
John Vibes – Any musicians from the area who are seeking a replacement can send an email to Gibson.
Aaron Kesel – Two fully-entangled black holes should be able to transmit quantum information between them.
Jon Rappoport – One research-estimate suggests there are 320,000 viruses on Earth that infect mammals.
Jon Rappoport – Emboldened by the citizenry’s inattention, the government has weaponized one crisis after crisis in order to expands its powers.
Elias Marat – Children around the world have also been relying on a different type of biker gang for emotional support and protection.
Dr. Mercola – Recent research found a single week of bingeing on fast foods impaired appetite control, making the volunteers more likely to desire more junk food, even if they’d just eaten.
Andrew W. Saul – The government of Shanghai, China announced its official recommendation that COVID-19 should be treated with high amounts of intravenous vitamin C.
Aaron Kesel – Are we living in a multiverse?
Elias Marat – The alternative approach to discipline allows students to ground themselves in their senses and calm emotions.
John Vibes – The COVID-19 coronavirus is a brand new pathogen that humans still don’t know much about.
Dr. Mecola – In reality, GM crops have turned glyphosate into one of the most widely and recklessly used herbicides in history and monoculture has led to a loss of biodiversity.
John Vibes – Dr. Jane Goodall, who is widely considered the world’s expert on chimpanzees, has announced plans to plant five million trees this year.
The Mind Unleashed – Three U.S. companies have quietly embraced the use of hemp plastic into their business models, and their products have already hit the market.
Jade Small – Up to 110 tons of garbage can be collected by one barge, drastically reducing the amount of waste reaching oceans.
Dr. Mercola – Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Conversely, when your body breaks down or digests proteins, amino acids are what’s left behind.
Spiro Skouras – Looking ahead at the looming financial crisis, the virus will likely be blamed, providing cover for the crimes committed by the central bankers.
Jon Rappoport – The government will lock down a country quicker than a missile fired from a drone, then nobody will be able to figure out what’s going on.
Sayer Ji – Groundbreaking research indicates that most of what is believed about the purportedly deadly properties of viruses like influenza is, in fact, not evidence-based but myth…