Search Results for chi energy

10 Food Combos For Better Immunity, Disease Prevention, Energy And Weight Loss

Karen Foster, Prevent Disease Waking Times The healthiest dietary strategies ultimately depend on the right food combinations. One of the best ways to optimize food pairings is to mix foods that are neutral and not overly acidic. Here are 10 food combinations that will make staying healthy and being fit easier. 1) COMBINATION: Turmeric and salmon

Earth Chakras: The 7 Key Energy Vortices of Mother Earth

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times  Just as the physical body has seven (or more) identifiable energy centers, or swirling vortices of subtle energy, so does the planet have chakra centers that govern her health and act as a reflection of her energetic evolution. Dr. Hiroshimi Motoyama developed a way to measure the chakras of the

Renewable Energy Will Exceed Natural Gas Use Worldwide By 2016

Chris Rose, EWEA Waking Times A new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), stating that global power generation from hydro, wind, solar and other renewable sources will exceed that of gas and be twice that of nuclear by 2016, is receiving widespread news coverage. Renewable power is expected to increase by 40 percent in the next five

Sacred Sites – Earth Energy, Ley Lines and Vortex Energy

Shirley MacLaine, Guest Waking Times Earth energy. It can’t be seen or tasted and it doesn’t have an odor. But, the effects of Earth energy can be experienced in all of those ways. It isn’t loud, but it can be heard. It can’t be touched, but it can definitely be felt. Our ancestors knew that

Sacred Sites and Energy Fields

Julian Websdale, Guest Waking Times All of the sacred sites, wherever they exist in the world, are placed on vortex points called “conductivity discontinuities”. At these places the geomagnetic field of the earth interacts with the telluric currents (the magnetic flow across the face of the earth), and, when the two intersect, there is a

Do You Want To Be RFID Chipped? Another Hidden Secret in Obama-Care

Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, Wake Up World Waking Times America’s Invisible Crises – Connecting the Dots (Part 1): Modern technology is growing by leaps and bounds. The corporate-controlled media extols its virtues, but does not cover the known harm of its dark side. Most of this technology goes unchecked for human safety. The following is a

Important Keys to Manifestation and Energy Return

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times The work that you do is not what you’d love to do, but you do it because you have to… and you wish you didn’t have to. That’s the uncomfortable feeling within the mind/heart of many of us. Some of us are not only doing work that that we don’t

Indigo Children and the 3 Stages of Life in a Capitalistic Industrial Society

Kees Deckers, Contributor Waking Times So-called new-age and spiritualistic believers think that new generations of children are more intelligent than past generations of children. Although it is important to finally start recognising that children are human and no less stupid than their so-called elders, I doubt very much that this is the case. But again

What is Energy Medicine?

Ingrid P. Dickenson BRCP EMR, Guest Waking Times By now most of us are aware of the fact that the human body has a bio-electric field. The strength of this energy field varies with age and state of health in every individual. The mind plays an important part in the make up of this energy

A New Chivalry

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times When it comes to spiritual warriors on assignment, it does seem to me that men and women show up to battle with different weapons. Men are tremendously skilled at wielding true information driven by love, and women hold the disarming weapon… love driven by true information. It doesn’t just work

Is Free Energy a Hoax?

Christina Sarich, Contributor Waking Times According to some, free energy is a hoax, debunked first and foremost by the unbending laws of thermodynamics. If this is taken at face value, then some say we’re all being duped into believing that free energy exists, but, that capitalism is really the only way to save us from

Developing Extra Perceptive Children for a Changing World

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Now, more than ever, it’s wise to encourage our children’s faculties of perception, some of which are called extra-sensory. They’re not really extra, as we know… they’re natural. Just in the course of accomplishing daily activities, we can create situations and games that affirm and strengthen a child’s natural abilities of

Comparing Vitamin, Mineral and Energy Content of GMO vs. Non-GMO

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Consumers select organic foods over genetically modified organisms (GMO) for a variety of reasons, however besides the long list of potential health implications from consuming GMO, the one thing that impacts decision making more than anything else is nutrition. There are convincing differences between organic and GMO foods in

10 Ways to Improve Your Psychic Ability

Jill Lowy, Guest Writer Waking Times Ten: Learn to Meditate Learning to meditate is not only one of the most important things you can do to improve your psychic ability, but it will help you to be more happy and at peace. There are a number of meditations that you can do to help develop your

Another Breakthrough in Hydrogen Energy Challenges Fossil Fuel Dominance

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times Researchers at Virginia Tech have developed a new process that extracts large quantities of hydrogen gas from plants in a renewable and eco-friendly way, offering us another potential alternative to ending our dependence on fossil fuels. After 7 years of research, Y.H. Percival Zhang, an associate professor at the

Internet Energy Usage Outpaces Gains in Efficiency

Mongabay Waking Times Energy efficiency gains are failing to keep pace with the Internet’s rapid rate of expansion, meaning that global web use is consuming an increasing share energy, warns a new perspective published in the journal Science. Noting that the world’s data centers already consume 270 terawatt hours and Internet traffic volume is doubling every

Healing With Subtle Energy

Dr. Linda Lancaster, Reality Sandwich Waking Times  In the rising awareness of consciousness, we realize that there exists an invisible world within the visible. Before changes are registered in the physical body, healing takes place on these subtle realms. For this reason, as healers, it is essential that we concern ourselves not only with the

The Tao of Men’s Emotional Health and Childhood Education

David James Lees, Guest Writer Waking Times A recent report commissioned by UK charities Relate and Men’s Health Forum highlighted how men are often ‘in the dark’ when it comes to emotional and relationship difficulties in their life, the factors which cause them, and how to effectively deal with them. The report shows how this ignorance can lead to much worse outcomes

Planet Organic: Achieving Sustainable Food Security and Environmental Gains

Thomas Handley, Mongabay Waking Times The global farmland area certified organic has expanded more than threefold to 37 million hectares since 1999, according to new research conducted by the Worldwatch Institute. The Institute argues that organic farming has the potential to contribute to sustainable food security by improving nutrition intake and sustaining rural livelihoods, while

Why You Should Consider Ditching Wheat!

Erin Schumacher, Guest Writer Waking Times People ask me all the time why I avoid wheat and say “what’s the big deal with gluten”? Why is it that all of a sudden gluten is getting so much press? Recently we’ve learned that gluten intolerance is the most undiagnosed disorder in the United States. For every person that is

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