Search Results for zen gardner

The Awakening Springs Unstoppable

Zen Gardner – It’s time to manifest our true selves, true heart, true spirit and true claim to our heritage. Do it – and enjoy it! It’s a wonderful time to be alive!

The Rough Road of Honest Discovery

Zen Gardner – “Realizing we were born into an abusive system designed to keep us down and disabled is a wonderful discovery.”

The Land of Don’t

Zen Gardner – “Forget the restrictions and shirk the programming at every level – grow your own food, collect your own water, speak your own words, live your own dreams, share your own truth.”

Thinking Outside the Hourglass

Zen Gardner – Continue to dissolve this world of lies via passionate dissemination of enlightened information, and community building…

The Dissolution of Contrived Civilization

Zen Gardner – Disconnect – disobey – and de-enlist. Break your unconscious and conscious agreements. The parasites will shrivel up and disappear…

Changing in Times of Accelerating Change

Zen Gardner – “No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it is not the same river, and it is not the same man. There is nothing permanent except change.”

The Peaceful Power of Confidence

Zen Gardner – “If you’re looking for encouragement coming from anywhere in the control system forget it… the truth is unconquerable and pervades every level of existence…”

Deconstructing the Ebola Agenda

Zen Gardner – What exactly is behind the ebola ‘crisis,’ and what is at play behind the scenes of the propaganda matrix?

So Where Are We Now?

Zen Gardner – Where are we now? Things are getting weirder by the day…

Hang On – All Is Being Revealed

Zen Gardner

What a perfect analogy. The Truth is coming to light in so many areas right now and this excavation is so representative of this entire phenomenon. All along we thought these were just massive heads that were mysteriously placed here on Easter Island by a civilization gone by, for whatever esoteric purpose.

What Really Matters?

Zen Gardener – It’s amazing how the big questions in life are pushed to the end of the line.

No, thanks!
