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Transcending Our Brain Created Reality: A New Call to Lift Nature’s Veil

Bernardo Kastrup, Ph.D., New Dawn Waking Times The study of non-ordinary states of consciousness is quickly becoming an established area of scientific and philosophical inquiry. Yet, all the enthusiasm about finding out what these non-ordinary states are somehow obfuscates much bigger, important, and urgent questions: What as-of-yet unknown aspects of reality do they give us access to?

Biometric Surveillance Meets Nanotechnology

Anne Gordon, RN Waking Times Are we living in the last days of being wild and ‘natural’ humans?  We take for granted that our thoughts are private, owned by us, and always will be. The other day, I took some photos of wild geese in Canada, but when I blew up the photos, I was

Will Fracking Affect My Family?

Laura Grace Weldon, Guest Writer Waking Times  Have you heard about fracking? It may seem like it will have no impact on your or your family. But take a look at the facts. A dairy farm not far from us is the first in our area to begin hydraulic fracturing. This process was developed to

Smartphones: Overuse Causing New Health Crises

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Smartphones are here to stay. Smartphones are radically changing the way we live our lives. Smartphones are causing different health crises, most of which remain under the radar until they seemingly emerge out of nowhere. The headline below speaks directly to two different health concerns which are becoming

Russia Prepares for Second March of Millions

Anna Derinova Waking Times “We are not giving up just when we started the engine,” declared a protestor during the March of Millions in Moscow on May 6, the day before Vladimir Putin’s inauguration. That day, 700 protestors were arrested and more than 150 others, resisting nonviolently, were injured in a clash with riot police.

Fascinating New Research on Meditation and Brain Health

When it comes to achieving total wellness, there are many factors to consider, but most of us don’t think of meditation as being important in maintaining physical vitality. It’s time to pay attention to the many scientists who have been reporting fascinating research on meditation and how it benefits the brain.

Counter Measures – Indy Drones Deliver Pirate Internet (Video)

We have built a flock of GPS enabled quadcopter drones from components that were originally intended for aerial reconnaissance and police surveillance to create this flying pirate file sharing network. The drones are autonomous and drift above the public spaces of the city as a balletic interactive aerial choreography. Part nomadic infrastructure and part robotic swarm we have rebuilt and programmed the drones to broadcast their own local wifi network as a form of aerial Napster.

Your Life is an Algorithm, Your Brain is an Operating System

Taking a bigger picture view, the Web is moving away from just curating content, to actually performing artificial intelligence operations on that content. Legendary venture capitalist Vinod Khosla recently referred to these utility apps as one of the last great unhyped areas of the Internet. In short, we are experiencing a move away from curatorial tools to algorithmic tools. We are, indeed, creating a type of second brain made possible by basic programming skills.

media break

Taking a Media Break

You don’t have to be a Facebook addict to benefit from taking a media break. The trade-off can be quite rewarding and fun.

Does Our Brain Really Create Consciusness?

Western science has had remarkable success in explaining the functioning of the material world, but when it comes to the inner world of the mind, it has very little to say. And when it comes to consciousness itself, science falls curiously silent. There is nothing in physics, chemistry, biology, or any other science that can account for our having an interior world. In a strange way, scientists would be much happier if minds did not exist. Yet without minds there would be no science.

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