Search Results for zen gardner

Dancing with the Hologram

Zen Gardner – Some cycles are meant to be broken. Just because they repeat doesn’t make them right.

The Beginning Is Here

Zen Gardner – This awakening of empowered consciousness is upon us, and is transpiring at an accelerating pace, and something to be very encouraged about.

How Much Evidence Do We Need to Take Action?

Zen Gardner – The news pouring in daily about how we’re being scammed, poisoned and domineered by big food, big pharma, big oil, big corporations and big brother is almost overwhelming.

The Tipping Point at the Crossroads of Time

Zen Gardner – Every email, every blog, every website, every post, every conversation, every independent media outlet broadcasting the truth is a massively powerful influence towards turning the tide in the perception of our world…

Geoengineered Climate Disasters in Latin America

Zen Gardner – There’s nothing natural about the recent climate disasters in Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Seven years’ worth of rain just fell in Chile in 12 hours…

The Deliberate Trashing of Planet Earth

Zen Gardner – Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if their machinations aren’t halted some time very soon.

The Hamster Wheels of the Matrix

Zen Gardner – Do we want to be winners for love and truth, or destined-to-lose self-reinforcing pulpit pounding tools of unending futility?

The Anger Trap

Zen Gardner – We must keep anger in its place. The general populace is being set up and baited for violent response.

Weaponize It!

Zen Gardner – It doesn’t matter what new technology surfaces, “How can we weaponize it?” is the overarching meme of the “powers that shouldn’t be” of self-appointed overlords.

The Inevitable Awakening

Zen Gardner – Once we become aware of the existence of a fabricated world we thought to be real and that our true nature is anything but what we’ve been told, there’s no turning back.

A Time of Revelation

Zen Gardner – I’ve said for a long time the split between the willing awakeners and the willful asleep would widen and we’d see more and more psychotic behavior on the part of the truth resistant.

The Matrix Program is Crashing

Zen Gardner – It’s outdated programming and the engineers of deceit can’t keep up. The vibrational changes are exceeding their capabilities.

Seeds and Weeds – The Power of Activism

Zen Gardner – We know the same central Truth, the heart of man being the same the world over, we know it only awaits awakening to come to full fruition.

All The World’s A Cult

Zen Gardner – Religions don’t have a corner on the market. Perhaps all of us have been cult-ivated in some way.

The Conspiracy of Language

Zen Gardner – Why the deliberate confusion? For us to draw awake and aware conclusions would mean the inevitable fall of their power structure.

The Silence and the Storm

Zen Gardner – It’s time to stand up and tell it like it is. You may be ridiculed, but there are those that will hear you. Maybe not now, but the time will soon come when the truth will sink in.

We Were Born To Create

Zen Gardner – Creation is continual. Everything is constantly evolving and changing. Nothing is static no matter how solid or set things appear.

Further – The Oft Neglected Path

Zen Gardner – How many times have we been faced with the decision to move on to the next level of commitment to truth?

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