Search Results for materialism

Mother’s Day – Earth Day – Why Not Every Day?

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times We’re approaching Mother’s Day – another commercial holiday in the U.S. about which we can have mixed feelings. The marketing encourages everyone to give attention to their mom, and talk to her, spend money on her, or if she has left this physical plane, to think of her and miss

The Virtual Aether – “Empty Space” Gets an Upgrade

Brendan D. Murphy – Mainstream science tells us the Aether does not exist because it is not physical. However, mainstream science talks about “electrical currents” and “twisted magnetic field lines” as though they were physical objects…

Do Atoms Understand Language?

Jon Rappoport – Conventional physics asserts that the universe is made entirely of particles. Atoms. Quarks, wavicles. The universe includes the human brain.

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