Search Results for Dr. Mercola

Junk Foods Promote Hunger and Overeating

Dr. Mercola – Recent research found a single week of bingeing on fast foods impaired appetite control, making the volunteers more likely to desire more junk food, even if they’d just eaten.

The Many Benefits of Meditation

Dr. Mercola – Meditation can give you an energizing boost similar to caffeine, but meditation accomplishes this without adverse effects.

How Aluminum Damages Your Brain

Dr. Mercola – According to a British researcher, without aluminum in the brain, Alzheimer’s does not develop.

Cancer and the New Biology of Water

Dr. Mercola – Mitochondrial defects are an integral part of the breakdown of the structure in the water, which then triggers the formation of cancer.

Coca-Cola’s Plastic Secrets

Dr. Mercola – Coca-Cola’s top brands, including Coke and Diet Coke, generate more than $1 billion a year in sales, and much of the world’s plastic pollution.

A Practical Guide to EMF Mitigation

Dr. Mercola – Focus on lowering EMF exposure in your bedroom first, as many rejuvenating processes take place during sleep.

How Sugar Changes Your Brain Chemistry

Dr. Mercola – Excessive sugar consumption underpins the obesity epidemic by eliciting addiction-like cravings reminiscent of other drugs of abuse.

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