Search Results for zen gardner

Why Empathy Matters

Zen Gardner – It’s not easy to stay sensitive in such a cruel, desensitized world but it’s imperative we do.

Standing in the Face of Insanity

Zen Gardner – If we operate in love, in all its forms, we’re doing our part. But don’t just sit back and take it.

Is the Truth Toxic?

Zen Gardner – The truth is only toxic to some. Namely those it exposes.

A Time for Letting Go

Zen Gardner – This is a great time be alive…but not a good time to be asleep.

Philosopher Kings, Rings and Things

Zen Gardner – In ancient days there were philosopher kings and queens, sages and wise councils who led, or rather encouraged, mankind.

Why Do We Ignore the Obvious?

Zen Gardner – I have a hard time with people not being willing to recognize what’s obviously in front of their faces.

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