Search Results for new world order

Mystery of Shambhala

Jason Jeffrey, New Dawn Waking Times I believe the idea of Shambhala has not yet come to full flower, but that when it does it will have enormous power to reshape civilisation. It is the sign of the future. The search for a new unifying principle that our civilisation must now undertake will, I am convinced,

From Immaculate Conception to Genetic Deception

Julian Rose, Contributing Writer Waking Times The Christ consciousness with which humanity is endowed, and which took physical form in Jesus Christ some 2,000 years ago, is a revolutionary gift. It has the power to transform, to heal and to penetrate the darkness with light.  However, it is a gift which still remains largely sealed

The Final Battle of the Iron Age: The Caretakers vs the Takers

Cosmic Convergence, Contributing Writer Waking Times Is there any doubt that there is a war being waged all over Planet Earth 24/7? A truly epochal war has been raging on every square inch of land, in every body of water and in every continental airspace for centuries. James Michener is credited for bringing awareness to

Why Is Planet Earth On Life Support?

Cosmic Convergence, Contributor Waking Times When the biosphere itself is on life support, we have some very serious problems down here, don’t we? Perhaps the following excerpt ought to be seriously considered when probing the true causes of Earth’s predicament. “Every civilization is built on a foundation of core spiritual beliefs, predominant religious traditions and

When Will You Use Your Power?

Michael Love, Contributing Writer Waking Times You are 5000 times stronger than the Corporations and Bankers. When Are You Going To Use Your Power? Perhaps you are aware of plans for total fascist control over the world.  If not, it is easy to catch up. This film covers those nasty things but makes clear humanity has the power

The Zeitgeist Movement: Getting to the Root of the Problem

Contributing Writer Waking Times I have awakened. I have opened my eyes, like so many others, and found myself in the midst of a collapsing system. There are more problems in every direction than we have resources for, homelessness among them. More nonprofits are popping up every day to help heed the call and help

Creation of Care: Occupy Bohemian Grove 2012 Heats Up This Weekend

Waking Times If the Bilderberg Group is the geopolitical tentacle of the New World Order, Bohemian Grove is slippery underbelly of occultism that is the ultimate expression of the misanthropy inherent at the highest levels of global elitist thought. Similar to Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove was flatly denounced as tin-foil hat conspiracy nonsense until the alternative

Re-Booting Earth: Can a Resource Based Economy Resolve Social Problems?

Contributing Writer Waking Times Like so many others, I have awoken and found myself in the midst of a collapsing system. There are more problems in every direction than we have resources for, homelessness among them. More nonprofits are popping up every day to help heed the call and help those less fortunate than themselves.

2012 and the Great Awakening

“The matrix” is “the morphogenic field”, also defined by Carl Jung as the “collective unconscious.” It is essentially the unified higher awareness that connects with creation and manifests global scenarios. This extraordinary force field plays a crucial role in shaping our perceived reality. For this reason, it has been severely manipulated to serve the elite few who, unlike the majority, have always been keenly aware of the matrix and its power of manifestation.

Steiner & the Blood Demons

Jason Heppenstall – Did the esoteric philosopher and clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner warn us over a century ago when he said a ‘vaccine’ would be the delivery system for the defeat of humanity?

Silent Weapons for the Secret War on You

Marie Jones – The world of non-lethal weaponry has opened the door to technologies that allow the control of one’s mind, thoughts, actions, and behaviours.

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