Search Results for edward bernays

Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake? – 6 Examples of Media Manipulation

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer Waking Times The world of television and modern media has become a tool of de-evolution, propaganda and social control. Since the reign of Edward Bernays and the rise of the Tavistock Institute in the early 20th century, nearly unlimited resources have been applied to understanding how to manipulate the human psyche

The Untold History of Modern U.S. Education: The Founding Fathers

Jamie Lee, Contributor Waking Times “Education must also train one for quick, resolute and effective thinking. To think incisively and to think for one’s self is very difficult. We are prone to let our mental life become invaded by legions of half-truths, prejudices, and propaganda. At this point, I often wonder whether education is fulfilling

Metaphysics on A Brutal Planet

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times As the Internet has brought us greater access to the world, we are even more aware of the never-ending brutality of human existence. In Sanskrit, the words pleasure and pain are often written as one word: sukhaduhkha. The wisdom in equating pleasure and pain has always struck me as

The Age of Confusion – Mass Manipulation, Propaganda and Frequency Prisons

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times March 17, 2011, the UK Guardian published a report warning that social media is being manipulated. Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media – Military’s ‘sock puppet’ software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda “The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social

The Power of Suggestion

Beverly Blanchard, Contributor Waking Times Every day we are bombarded by a tidal wave of information. Most of it is irrelevant to our immediate lives, yet it influences our lives. We buy products because we are told they will bring us happiness; make us look younger or healthier. We run to our doctors because commercials

The Planned Obsolescence of Humanity

Barbara H. Peterson, Guest Writer Waking Times  Remember when things lasted a long time? I recall going with my dad to the hardware store, and being able to find just about everything needed to fix anything on the ranch. Need a gasket? Just get the gasket material and cut your own. Got a gadget that

Fear Itself

Dan and Sheila Gendron, Guest Writers Waking Times  If we were to pinpoint the one pervasive emotion in society today, it would be fear. People all around you are fearful of almost everything. They fear the police. They fear the IRS, ATF, TSA and all the other “alphabet police”. They fear losing their job. They

A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever

Paul Fassa Natural News  There has been some controversy over the activity of adding synthetic fluoride to municipal water supplies and elsewhere, but not enough. The seriousness of this issue is more than what most realize. Fluoridation ranks with GMO‘s and tainted, forced vaccinations among the great crimes against humanity. Understanding the Different Fluorides There

Seven Tricks Your Brain is Playing on You

We all want to believe we are tough to fool. The problem is, even if you are not so gullible, your brain still works a certain way, making associations that create vulnerability to being easily fooled, or fooling yourself. It takes work to release yourself from these natural assumptions that are presumed to originate from a mix of hard wiring and cultural conditioning.

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